The drops from Acolyte Problematic Accents in The Phantom Menace

Every Neimoidian has a strong Thai accent in their initial *The Phantom Menace* presentation. Silas Carson, who portrayed Nute Gunray, said that the reaction to *The Phantom Menace* lacked awareness of Lucas's intent; Lucas felt the accent "sounded like they were blocked up, nasally," and this was ideal for the noseless Neimoidians. Lucas's reasons notwithstanding, the choice was tone-deaf at best.

But in *The Acolyte*, these accents are totally absent, so the Neimoidians and the Trade Federation as a whole are shown more differently. Though they barely show for a few fleeting scenes in the TV show, this is the first time they have been seen live-action since their part in the prequels. The little modification could indicate positive future prospects for the brand since Lucasfilm is ready to repair past errors and bring back earlier elements of *Star Wars*.

Great To See *Star Wars* Learning From Past Mistakes

*Star Wars* is learning from past mistakes is fantastic. While many series are locked in the past and double down instead of evolving, *Star Wars* is ready to make positive changes. Though it's just a minor change, over time it adds a lot.

*The Acolyte* was ready to make this little modification, which indicates that *Star Wars* as a whole is ready to change when it means enhancing the series overall. The Neimoidians had no need for stereotypical traits in the prequel series; should the extraterrestrial species show up in next episodes or movies, there would be no need for that to carry on. All things considered, this is a decent standard for the series to follow.

One Acolyte Detail Corrects a 25-Year-Old Phantom Menace Problem at Last

The *Acolyte* premiere on Disney+ corrected a 25-year-old issue with *Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace*. Long promoting *The Acolyte* as a forerunner to the prequels, Lucasfilm has focused on the Sith Rule of Two. But what nobody predicted was the Disney+ TV show resolving a significant issue with *The Phantom Menace*.

*The Phantom Menace* was charged with racial stereotypes back in 1999. Though there were problems with the Neimoidians as well, Jar Jar Binks was considered as especially troublesome; as *The Independent* reported at the time, there was fierce discussion over "the wholeness of noseless baddies who speak in high-pitched Japanese accents." Considered as derogatory caricatures of Asian people as a whole, Nute Gunray and the other Trade Federation officials were

The Galaxy's Future: *Star Wars*

The *Star Wars* galaxy's future resides in the past, in the High Republic Era shown in books, comics, games, audiobooks, and Disney+ TV episodes.

Set in the *Star Wars* world during the conclusion of the High Republic Era, the television series *The Acolyte features both the Galactic Empire and the Jedi at their most influential state. Investigating various crimes, this sci-fi thriller sees a former Padawan reunite with her former Jedi Master as they uncover all leading to darkness bursting from beneath the surface and ready to bring about the demise of the High Republic.

The Acolyte: Views on the Past, Present, and Future

Featuring a huge variety of fantastic Easter eggs and references in the first two episodes, the *Acolyte* has at last debuted on Disney+.

Every Tuesday at 9pm EST on Disney+, fresh episodes open.