The Brotherhood of Steel: People

Beginning with a squad of rebel soldiers under Captain Roger Maxson at Mariposa Military Base, the Brotherhood of Steel originated during the Great War. Following the bombs dropped, the organization established the Brotherhood to help to preserve knowledge and technologies for next generations. The objectives and philosophy of the Brotherhood have changed over the past 210 years; they are currently mostly recognized for their collecting of pre-war technology and lack of sharing of it. In Fallout 4, the Sole Survivor can fulfill the East Coast Chapter headed by Maxson's descendent Elder Arthur Maxson, whose mission is to eradicate the Institute and their synthesizers.

Discovering the scientists at Mariposa were testing FEV on human subjects, Roger Maxson and his troops rebelled and killed the scientists. Three days before the bombs dropped, Maxson and his troops announced their break from the United States following questions and learning that the administration had ordered the trials.

How To Become Part Of Fallout 4's Brotherhood of Steel?

The Sole Survivor must first assist Paladin Danse and his recon team at the Cambridge Police Station during the mission "Fire Support," therefore qualifying the Brotherhood of Steel. The team's distress call can be heard when heading south from Lexington, and a way point will be added to the Pip-Boy pointing where to locate them. After helping the group fend off wild ghouls, Danse will thank the Sole Survivor and beg for additional support.

Agreeing will initiate the search "Call to Arms," whereupon Danse will lead the Sole Survivor to ArcJet Systems to get a deep range transmitter therefore enabling the stranded recon team to contact the rest of their faction. The Sole Survivor can just follow Danse's lead across the building as synthesizers try to stop him; the goal is clear-cut and Danse is positioned as indispensable. Danse will present the Sole Survivor with Righteous Authority, a special laser gun, once the transmitter is retrieved and give the opportunity to join the Brotherhood.

Benefits Of Attaching The Brotherhood of Steel

Given the martial character of the faction with access to tremendous weaponry and armor, joining the Brotherhood provides many advantages. One of the best sets in Fallout 4, a full set of T-60 power armor is given to the Sole Survivor upon arrival on the Prydwen. Along with access to the whole ship, its workbenches, and a bunk for sleeping, the Sole Survivor will also have access to

Following the mission "Show No Mercy," the Sole Survivor will get vertibird signal grenades to be tossed to call a vertibird for transport. Especially in Survival Mode, the Pip-Boy can be used to designate a location after climbing in, therefore facilitating quick travel. Eventually the Minutemen and Railroad also acquire these; joining the Brotherhood gives them the earliest in the game.

Cons of joining the Brotherhood of Steel

Joining the Brotherhood of Steel has several drawbacks, just like with any group. Although armor is a great source of power, it is by no means the only means of earning it as so many suits are strewn around the Commonwealth. Teagan's best gear is also locked behind faction progression, hence the Brotherhood questline must be followed to acquire promotions through the ranks for the equipment.

Teagan also sends the Sole Survivor out to Fallout 4's several ettlements to acquire food for the Brotherhood, so many find dubious his optional repeated assignment as well. Teagan lets the food be acquired by any methods required, thereby enabling a Brotherhood allied Sole Survivor to be sent out to threaten settlers or kill settlement leaders, even when there are choices to persuade or buy the crops from farmers.

Fallout 4: Should You Become Part of The Steel Brotherhood?

Like many role-playing games, Fallout's universe features factions, and in Fallout 4 the Sole Survivor's faction decision can affect everything from armor to the game's finale. Although several groups will open their ranks during the game, one of the most important participants is the returning Brotherhood of Steel, which initially surfaced in the original Fallout game. But are they worth joining and who are the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4?

The Sole Survivor will meet every major group as part of the main questline for Fallout 4 and be able to join the main four. Every one of these organizations will help in specific areas until a pivotal time in the main objective when a final faction option has to be decided upon. Of all the factions in Fallout 4, the Brotherhood of Steel is most immediately identifiable to those who already know the game; but, those fresh to the wasteland could be wondering who this power armor wearing outfit is and what they desire.

The Fallout Universe: An Enhanced View

Played as the vault suit of the Lone Survivor, a pre-war soldier from an alternate future cryogenically imprisoned within Vault 111, Bethesda's action RPG Fallout 4 transports players They go across the irradiated Commonwealth to search Boston for any trace of their infant son after he is taken. By doing this, they come across different groups and allies and negotiate the devastated remnants of society using a range of talents and skills.

Joining one of Fallout 4's meticulously created factions has benefits and drawbacks, which influences the most crucial decision in the game.