House Highower Family Tree & Background Information
The ancient dynasty lived in the dawn of days as petty-kings before Aegon's Conquest; the sons of an ancient Hightower king were fundamental to the Citadel's foundation. Following marriage to the Kings of the Reach, House Gardner of Highgarden, the Hightowers entered the realm. Supporting the construction of the Starry Sept and the founding of the High Septon's post, the Hightowers became one of the first great lords in Westeros to accept Faith of the Seven.
Lord Manfred Hightower gave Oldtown to the King and the High Septon crowned Aegon after Aegon Targaryen captured Westeros. Originally the first spouse of Aegon's eldest son Prince Maegor Targaryen, Ceryse Hightower married another woman after Meagor revealed she was infertile. Manfred's son Lord Martyn Hightower was instructed to behead Maegor's niece Rhaelle Targaryen but declined and chose to back Maegor's nephew King Jaehaerys I Targaryen instead.
The Story of House Hightower Expounded in House of the Dragon
Otto Hightower's part in House of the Dragon starts with him being Hand of the King to Viserys Targaryen, urging that Viserys marry his daughter Alicent after the death of his wife Aemma. Growing up in King's Landing, Viserys' daughter Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower had a very close friendship; yet, they started to fight more often after Alicent's marriage to Viserys.
Long before the Dance of the Dragons, Alicent and Rhaenyra's conflict split the field between the "Green" and "Black" groups; the monikers came from Alicent's green bridal robe. As Alicent's sons and Rhaenyra's sons were of age at the same time and concerns over the actual parentage of Rhaenyra's children arose, the conflict got worse. The Dance of the Dragons started when House Hightower conspired to place Alicent's son Aegon Targaryen on the Iron Throne following King Viserys' death despite Rhaenyra being the designated heir.
What Becomes Of House Hightower Following Dragon Dance?
House Hightower meets resistance with the Faith of the Seven after the Dance of the Dragons. Lyonel Hightower meant to wed Lady Samantha Tarly, the widow of his father, but the High Septon banned the marriage because of incest. Lyonel still retained Lady Sam as a paramour and produced six children with her; their attendance to King Aegon III Targaryen caused scandal with the Faith. Sam was also ordered to be a silent sister, but he objected, aggravating House Hightower even more.
Later on in Aegon's rule, though, a new High Septon overturned his predecessor's decision and approved Lord Lyonel Hightower's marriage to Samantha and, so, all six of their children were validated. Daemon Targaryen's daughter Rhaena wed Garmund Hightower about the same period, and together they had six daughters. Although there were still several significant Lord Hightowers during House of the Dragon's era, one of the most well-known was Jon Hightower, Hand of the King to Aegon IV Targaryen, the grandson of Emma D'Arcy's character Rhaenyra Targaryen.
House Hightower's location during Game of Thrones
Though barely addressed during the Game of Thrones TV series, many members of House Hightower still live today; they merely lost the authority and significance they once possessed. Leyton Hightower, sometimes called as the "Old Man of Oldtown," is the Lord of the Hightower in the chronology of Game of Thrones; his daughter Alerie is the mother of Margaery and Loras Tyrell. Former wife of Ser Jorah Mormont Leyton's daughter Lynesse Hightower House Hightower backed Renly Baratheon's claim at the start of Game of Thrones, then switched allegiance to the Tyrells.
Though not very important in Game of Thrones, the Hightowers nevertheless have a lot of power and impact. Still evident is the family's relationship to the Tyrells, their past, and the strength of their house—despite their marginalization on the program.
The only member of House Hightower seen in Game of Thrones
On-screen in Game of Thrones only one family member is seen: Ser Gerold Hightower, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard under Aerys "The Mad King." Gerold appeared just fleetingly in Bran's vision of the Tower of Joy in Game of Thrones season 6's flashback. One of the knights protecting Lyanna Stark was the Hightower descended; Ned Stark and his allies killed him in the ensuing battle. House of the Dragon features House Hightower somewhat conspicuously, however the family only had one scene in Game of Thrones.
The fact that a house as significant as House Hightower only appears in Game of Thrones for such little screen time is intriguing. This could be partially related to the family's declining importance between House of the Dragon's events and Game of Thrones, which makes them less required to the main story. Still, their past and the part they performed in the world of Westeros prior to the events of Game of Thrones are rather significant and help viewers to grasp the dynamic and complex universe.
Story of House Hightower in House of the Dragon Expounded
Otto Hightower's part in House of the Dragon starts with him being Hand of the King to Viserys Targaryen, urging that Viserys marry his daughter Alicent after the death of his wife Aemma. Growing up in King's Landing, Viserys' daughter Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower had a very close friendship; yet, they started to fight more often after Alicent's marriage to Viserys.
Long before the Dance of the Dragons, Alicent and Rhaenyra's conflict split the field between the "Green" and "Black" groups; the monikers came from Alicent's green bridal robe. As Alicent's sons and Rhaenyra's sons were of age at the same time and concerns over the actual parentage of Rhaenyra's children arose, the conflict got worse. The Dance of the Dragons started when House Hightower conspired to place Alicent's son Aegon Targaryen on the Iron Throne following King Viserys' death despite Rhaenyra being the designated heir.
The Hightowers inside House of the Dragon
House Hightower participants in House of the Dragon
Otto heightower
RHys Ifans
Alicent Heightsower
Olivia Cooke and Emily Carey/Olivia Grimes
Hobert Higower
Rhodri, Steffan
Lynsey Hightower
Ramsey, Alana
Gleaner Hightower
Will Willoughby/Freddie Fox
Though not very important in Game of Thrones, the Hightowers nevertheless have a lot of power and impact. Still evident are the family's ties to the Tyrells, their past, and the strength of their house—despite their marginality on the program.
It's interesting that Game of Thrones has such little screen time for a house as significance as House Hightower. This could be partially related to the family's declining importance between House of the Dragon's events and Game of Thrones, which makes them less required to the main story. Still, their history and the roles they played in the world of Westeros before the events of Game of Thrones are quite important and give viewers a better understanding of the dynamic and complicated world.
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