What happens should you side with Hugo in Fallout 76: Skyline Valley?

Hugo tells the truth about Vault 63: the Vault was left unfinished when the bombs hit, hence everyone within was exposed to shockingly high degrees of radiation after the player character builds trust. Many perished, but the survivors experienced ghoulification—that is, immunity against radiation damage—that permanently changed their appearance. Many of the ghouls among them, however, became savage as they were constantly surrounded with fallout radiation. Among the first to start turning were Hugo's wife Cassidy.

By chance, Hugo found that the weather machine of Vault 63 might reverse the consequences of feralization. He carried Cassidy there and turned on it. The resultant surge of energy delayed Cassidy's advancement but also transformed many of the Vault residents into a special kind of wild ghouls called the Lost. The Lost are intrinsically hostile to everything that gets in their path and lack all sensory experience.

What would happen if players in Fallout 76's Skyline Valley side against Hugo?

Two of Hugo's former colleagues show the player other choices once it comes out that he has fled to the weather machine. While his daughter Audrey supports killing him, believing he is too devious to be spared, Oberlin advises they capture him alive.

Should the player choose to capture Hugo, Oberlin will replace him as Overseer of Vault 63. Hugo will be let to stay alive inside the Vault's jail, but he will be let to keep researching the Lost and the weather machine—albeit in a much limited capacity.

Gamers should side against Hugo in Fallout 76: Skyline Valley.

It's best to side against Hugo in Fallout 76 ultimately. The player decides whether to capture or murder him; there is no difference except in Audrey and Oberlin's conversation following the mission. Oberlin pledges to carry on Hugo's research and is far more level-headed. For the residents of Vault 63, this could be helpful and maybe result in a Lost cure at last. But it also means leaving Hugo alive, and his influence over the Lost could be a major hazard down road. Though Audrey has a little more personal stake in Hugo's fate, she does have a point: leaving him alive—even under Oberlin's control—may set off catastrophe.

But in its present state, Fallout 76 doesn't show Vault 63's eventual destiny should the player go against Hugo. Following some debriefing, they essentially stay in equilibrium for the next foreseeable future. Further Fallout 76 developments might build on this narrative, at last exposing whether, should Hugo be let to survive, he is able to ascend to power once more. Right now, though, there is no way of knowing. Although killing him could be the best option, it produces a somewhat more negative impact for Vault 63.

Fallout 76: Valley Skyline

One of the primary characters in Fallout 76's Skyline Valley DLC, Hugo's fate is the central decision influencing the course of events. The most recent significant Fallout 76 update is Skyline Valley, which marks the first fresh material for the series since the Fallout TV show's comeback sparked interest once more. Skyline Valley, with its fresh geographical extension, new narrative chapter, and array of new features, is the most expansive Fallout 76 update yet.

[Warning: Spoilers for Fallout 76's Skyline Valley DLC abound in this piece.]

Skyline Valley: The Greatest Update Fallout 76 Has Yet Made

Among the first people NPC players meet in Skyline Valley is Hugo Stolz. He is the Overseer of Vault 63 and a friendly ghoul who founded and runs the prosperous pre-War company Stolz Enterprises. Before disclosing his actual goals, he welcomes the player character into the Vault and assigns them general housekeeping chores. Hugo's intentions are doubtful and his strategy unclear, but one can read between the lines and grasp his actual character before deciding on a course of action.

The largest update Fallout 76 has produced, Skyline Valley adds a large new area and more Ghouls than gamers could toss an electric sword at.