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Baldur's Gate 3 Wyll Bug Fix: Simple Mod Solution!

Fans of Baldur's Gate 3 are always on the lookout for new updates, especially bug fixes, and one particular character, Wyll, has had a pretty annoying glitch for a while now. This is a well-loved companion in the game but it seems he had this big problem.

Wyll's Buggy Greetings

One of Wyll's more common issues that some players run into are the way that Wyll greets the player. It's more common than people think and has been around since Patch 7 (released a month ago on PC). For whatever reason, instead of responding warmly, this character often says things like, "You've got something to say?" This response should ONLY happen if players have a negative approval rating but, due to this bug, it's a common issue and makes this well-liked companion a bit more standoffish than he should be.

Also Read: Baldur's Gate 3 Wyll Bug: How Larian Studios Might Fix It

The Simple Fix

Warlock Origin character Wyll scowling in the character select screen in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

Here is where it gets interesting! A clever Tumblr user, autistichalsin, and a helpful Reddit user called bongcommunism managed to locate exactly where the problem is and the solution appears quite simple! It seems that there is missing a code element ("=false")! This has made Wyll give those grumpy answers every time he's addressed! Not only is it frustrating for fans but it also speaks to how easy it is for even one tiny error to affect all the characters within the game, so there are many factors impacting gamers that few would suspect. A fix is already available for PC players.

Also Read: Bing Bong: Baldur's Gate 3's Beloved Imp & Modded Resurrection

A Nexus Mods Solution

Baldur's Gate 3 fiend Sceleritas Fel holding up clawed hands with a wicked expression. Image

There was an important step to finding a fix that has some unique considerations. You can now get the solution by checking out Nexus Mods! Lesleynopes developed a simple mod fix that should totally solve the issue and makes Wyll be more like himself!

Also Read: Smarter AI Mod for Baldur's Gate 3: Make Enemies More Challenging

Will This Be Fixed?

Gale, Minthara, and Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

Now for that nagging question, will this actually be fixed by Larian Studios? This Baldur's Gate 3 bug may not be considered a super urgent one and may just fall on a list that takes a back burner compared to other problems needing to get addressed.

There’s hope, of course! The developers are certainly still updating Baldur's Gate 3 for things that many fans will enjoy even those playing it on consoles, now! But, it might be a while, though it could be incorporated into the next patch!

Many might wonder how they couldn't identify and fix this, right? Many feel that Wyll might be among the lesser played characters and therefore that means his problems get less focus in the bigger picture.

Also Read: Shadowheart & Aylin Cosplay: Baldur's Gate 3 Characters You Need To Know

Patch 7 and Beyond

baldurs-gate-3-cover Image

There's still plenty of things on the table! We don't know for sure yet about when a solution might appear but here is another look at why this is so interesting to consider. What will make this worth checking in again? If Larian Studios decides to tackle more issues and adds a special photo mode, crossplay support it could totally transform the whole experience. Therefore fixing this particular bug, might totally make the experience for all Baldur's Gate 3 players better!

Keep an eye on the Baldur's Gate 3 game for those updates! Even the smallest changes like this might make the game easier and more enjoyable!

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