Superman Isn't Bulletproof...Just Bullet-Resistant

Everyone knows Superman is powerful: flight, super-strength, and a skin tougher than any material we know, right? That's Superman invincibility at work! But this new comic book turns our assumptions about him on their heads!

Wait...Can't Bullets Hurt Superman?

Well, you see, they can't actually penetrate his skin, no. It's basically bulletproof! But you know what’s amazing? That Superman's durability can actually become a weakness because of science! And guess what? It happened in the latest My Adventures with Superman #3 - in the new comic book that tells his story.

How Did They Get Around Superman's Powers?

  • There's this smart military dude, Agent DuBois, and he figures out how to beat the Man of Steel! DuBois figured out how to use those bullets! You see, even though the bullets couldn’t make a hole, the force of those shots actually knocks him around! Now, that's super creative, right?
  • This really makes you think! Even though his Superman skin is so tough, and we know how amazing Superman bones are. The power of the bullets still hits him with some real force - a bit like a big, hard push, or an incredible concussive force, so that makes sense!
  • That's kind of cool for the storyline, as it shows Superman's character isn’t completely undefeated, it shows he’s just as vulnerable as other characters. Even Superman can’t take a beating with everything.
  • A good part of what makes the Superman story so great is those crazy situations those bad guys put him in! It just shows Superman's durability isn’t always what you’d think it is.

Wait! So How Strong Does The Bullet Need To Be?

We can't say for sure just how much power a bullet needs, but those writers seem to imply it has to be pretty powerful, but, yeah, imagine a super-powerful bullet going through his Superman skin? That would definitely crack those tough bones - talk about some hard knocks, dude!

That is a real lesson. There's more to superhero strength than just what's on the outside.