Is Borderlands a Box Office Flop?

You might be thinking, "Wait, didn't the Borderlands game make a ton of money?" And yeah, that's totally true! But the movie? Well, things weren't so great. In fact, it opened super weak at the box office and got slammed by critics. Yikes!

Why Did The "Borderlands" Movie Tank?

The movie had to deal with tons of problems from the get-go, so it’s not that surprising! We already knew that the video game world is pretty tough, and the video game franchise had changed a lot when it moved to the big screen - there were changes in characters, storylines, even some key Borderlands characters that we were expecting didn’t show up! It kind of made people wonder - what if the movie just didn't get what people liked about the video game!

But what about the reviews?

Fans were really not impressed. They weren’t exactly raking in that box office dough, and people didn’t seem too happy about it. The movie got an abysmal rating on Rotten Tomatoes and a horrible "D+" on CinemaScore.

  • That's pretty rough! So maybe people thought the movie was a major disappointment! Those "Borderlands Reviews" are a real ouch.

Could The Movie Have Done Better?

It's tricky, because we know those video game movies - they haven't been great at turning big game franchises into box office successes. It seems like studios still haven’t quite figured out what makes these games work and what people like most about those games! And in a sense, the movie felt more like a box office bomb compared to movies based on games like "The Last of Us," "Sonic the Hedgehog," and "Super Mario Bros".

Those were hits! But "Borderlands" didn't really stand a chance.

So, Does Borderlands Have a Future?

With a super bad opening and all those terrible reviews, it is probably a big NO! Sequels and spinoffs are off the table for now.

Those producers probably had a massive production budget, over 100 million! and even put in extra marketing dollars, and still it's unlikely that they will make money! There is still hope that the movie might pull some extra money from streaming, DVD or Blu-ray sales, or maybe some merchandise - but right now, it looks really bad.

Borderlands has to face the reality of things! They had this huge, awesome video game - it's a franchise, after all! But the Borderlands Movie missed the mark, and those Borderlands characters weren't enough to pull people into those theaters.

And hey, if you're a fan of video game movies - maybe just wait for the next big hit!