Movies News Talk

Prometheus's Deacon: A Xenomorph Mountain? Unraveling the Alien Prequel Mystery

The Alien franchise is known for its terrifying creatures, the Xenomorphs. However, did you know that the very first Xenomorph, the Deacon, had a surprisingly underwhelming fate?

Prometheus and the Deacon

The Deacon first appeared in Prometheus (2012). This Proto-Xenomorph came about when the Prometheus crew, searching for Engineers on LV-223, discovered the Black Goo. This mutagen had sinister plans to wipe out all existing life and create new life as the synthetic, David found ways to weaponize this.

Using this strange concoction, David turned Holloway into a Black Goo infested person. Then it quickly spread, as Holloway's wife, Elizabeth Shaw, had to get it surgically removed! That is when the first Xenomorph came to light as it got unbelievably huge!

The end showed this mutated alien infecting an Engineer as an egg. Giving birth to The Deacon! And the film quickly abandoned the character to tell its primary narrative. But did it completely disappear? Of course not. The comic sequel filled in these parts.

Also Read: Xenomorphs Are Actually Space Cockroaches? New Nickname Explains Alien's Scariest Element

Fire and Stone - Omega and the Mountain

Alien reveals the Deacon's fate. Image

In Prometheus: Fire and Stone - Omega, a group gets caught on LV-223, and things got worse for these characters!

In a surprise discovery, they saw an amazing and truly gigantic alien. They thought it was Prometheus but in a twist! It turned out to be that first Xenomorph.

It never ended there. What seemed so intense turned out not be be so dramatic! The Deacon kept growing and growing as the Black Goo kept causing it to mutate into a motionless mountain.

The story created a really unexpected moment that's sure to get those who like crazy mysteries invested. Fans got this crazy, cliffhanger with the first Xenomorph, leaving it open as to if it could become its own type of Xenomorph. But in this truly unexpected development in the story, this terrifying Alien essentially transformed into an inactive, unmoving, gigantic mountain!

Also Read: Aliens vs. Avengers: Will Marvel's Heroes Conquer the Xenomorphs?

Wasted Potential:

Will Prometheus' Noomi Rapace return in Alien: Covenant? Image

It might sound boring and this Deacon Mountain certainly wasn't terrifying as one would anticipate! Yet it didn't disappear.

The unexpected aspect? The film produced one of the largest Xenomorphs! You see, the size may be what was shocking, but fans know how horrifying the Black Goo can be, making this potential for new horror an amazing possibility!

Also Read: Marvel Heroes Battle Xenomorphs on Epic "Avengers vs. Aliens" Covers.

A New Possibility:

Close-up of a Xenomorph's face behind a person in a space suit.  Image

Though this Deacon might look a lot different and has shown what could be.

This leaves an important question that is yet to be resolved. A really terrifying possibility might also leave people uneasy!

  • Can the Black Goo stop mutating? It never stopped with this Deacon!
  • And even more, those growths- are they actually lifeless? Maybe those flesh-like caverns might make a new set of Xenomorphs!

It looks like the Alien franchise could certainly still take another direction and create something else as awesome as the Deacon Mountain! There's lots to explore and Alien still might bring more surprises with new horrors and that Black Goo is one that really has that power!

Fans of the Alien franchise still have many unanswered questions and with so many twists, and a very active community around this long-loved and iconic science-fiction horror movie series it may never end! For now the only thing that is left is more possibilities! "Prometheus" may still be on its way to revealing an amazing aspect to this lore.

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