Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included: Rom-Com with Unexpected Twist

Though none everyone was anticipating anything bad to happen in a romantic comedy anime like this one, the season finale of Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included threw in a demon summoning without notice, and the result was still unexpected. Some might even argue that some of the summoning's elements nearly exceeded expectations. More importantly, the demon summoning offers viewers more to look forward should the show obtain a new season by giving Angel Included's harem-like group more interesting spin.

Following the previous eleven episodes' innocent tone, there was no way that even a naturally dark ritual like a demon summoning would go the same way as most did in Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included. Since the human protagonist Shintaro and his gang of primarily inhuman ladies had started to be connected with their school's occult club, the anime did offer some hints that something like this could happen. Nevertheless, even the most experienced watchers would not have predicted the real result of this demon calling. Not much really occurs. An angel buddy of the eponymous winged Towa merely shows for a fleeting time before going back to heaven; the anime then proceeds without mentioning what happened.

This Uneventful Summoning Actually Promises Quite A Bit.

Of course, the group put their demon summoning its own adorable spin to almost insane degrees, even by the standards of the anime, to the point where calling an angel was almost expected. But fans surely believed that whatever they called will turn out to be the next inhuman female in Shintaro's gang. Actually, if a cute devil joined them just because they already possessed an angel, that would have been a naturally interesting evolution. This not only doesn't happen but also seems doubtful that Towa's acquaintance will turn into the "next girl".

What this surprising turn of events offers viewers, though, is the possibility of another summoning. Nearly everybody of Shintaro's group expresses a wish to go through the rite once more. The prospect is much more fascinating than it would have been if a fresh inhuman girl joined their society via a calling. Apart from Towa's spectacular arrival, most of the ways each female has joined Shintaro's orbit lack any flair. Therefore, even if a new member of the party would have already been a pleasant development, nobody really imagined that the actual event would have been that extraordinary. Still, a demon summoning promises this, which makes the idea much more interesting.

Good Lighting, Studio Apartment, Angel Included: A Novel Approach to the Rom-Com Genre

With its surprising demon summoning turn, the lighthearted, amusing romantic-comedy Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included subverts expectations. The show centers Shintaro, a human living with angel Towa. Shintaro discovers himself in a range of funny circumstances as he negotiates his new environment and meets eccentric cast of characters including other inhuman chicks. The program strikes a special and interesting mix between its love aspects and funny situations with a hint of the uncanny.

The surprising usage of a demon summoning in the season finale of the series is evidence of its readiness to welcome the unanticipated and challenge the standards of the romantic comedy genre. This brilliant twist leaves viewers wondering what will happen next and gives an otherwise simple storyline suspense and comedy. Offering an interesting mix of humor, romance, and the supernatural, Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included is a novel approach on the rom-com anime.

Will Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included Get a Second Season?

Though the outcome of the ritual was surprising for subtle reasons, how the rest of the show progressed from the incident was virtually exactly as planned. The summoning was somewhat brief, and as it happened at the start of the show, it was virtually compartmentalized to a startling degree since the remaining roughly twenty minutes were dedicated to a date free of reference to what had happened earlier. A romantic comedy is anticipated to pay less attention to anything intrinsically unromantic like a demon summoning, of course, but how much it ends up being minimized practically acts as a parody of what was intended. Though those who have been observing know that Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included was always more than what people assumed it would be on the surface, this specific reading could appear too subtle for a series about an angel who lives with a human.

The conclusion of the anime makes viewers yearning more. The interesting and erratic series Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included has shown has great promise for a second season. The show's special attractiveness is shown by its capacity to combine comedy, romance, and the supernatural. Future events are much awaited by fans, who also wish to see more Shintaro's exploits accompanied by the other eccentric characters with Towa.