Movies News Talk

The Acolyte's Toxic Fandom: Jodie Turner-Smith Speaks Out

Things got really messy for the new show on Disney+, "The Acolyte," which had to deal with some rough treatment! This came in the form of some brutal review-bombing that had people, like Jodie Turner-Smith, one of the series’ stars, having a rough experience!

The Acolyte's Criticism

"The Acolyte" was made to get the attention of Star Wars fans, but instead of that? It appeared that those behind the scenes and even those appearing on screen, had to deal with backlash.

There was some criticism! While fans often share what they like, it's very rare for shows like "The Acolyte to have a wave of bad reviews that were targeted directly at those stars who were on set. Even some of the fans, like Jodie Turner-Smith, who appeared in the show, even shared her grief over the entire ordeal.

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Jodie Turner-Smith’s Response

It seems that the series stars weren't just caught up with a couple of critical reviews! It really does look like they took on a harsh level of abuse! Turner-Smith opened up and shared her experiences, expressing how frustrated she felt! You see, the entire team and those who got cast in the show, they really tried to give the best performances and worked incredibly hard on "The Acolyte!"

There is a lot to appreciate. In an interview with Glamour, Jodie Turner-Smith (who played the special character "Mother Aniseya") talked about this unfortunate, and intense experience. One that took place while she was filming. The biggest point she had to share, she highlighted the care that went into every detail of "The Acolyte", including the actors, and it is truly a shame to see how it turned out!

Also Read: The Acolyte's Rotten Tomatoes Score: Is It Recovering From the Review-Bombing?

A Controversial Series

Disney, the creators of this series. They decided to not do anything. When all these negative reviews and harmful behavior made its way to fans, they didn't stand up for the actors! They didn't step in. Fans often don't like seeing this. There are so many calls for this studio to stand up and say enough!

Turner-Smith really stressed her displeasure and even used some pretty blunt words. What fans will notice in her comments, is that it truly brought back a sense of reality for the audience to think about! And for those who haven't had a chance to learn about it. What she said was really unfortunate because of how often it seems this behavior occurs!

  • In 2024, Turner-Smith really wants Disney to take on a more proactive role! She wants to see these companies defend actors, specifically Black and "people of color," as they've had to endure much of this hate on the internet. The fact is that if anyone wants to make a major statement. That's the best chance to do it because these groups have immense power!
  • Turner-Smith was really disappointed that Disney wasn't supportive of the talent they brought on. The issue at hand? It looks like there wasn't an effort to stop those that might have harassed actors and gave them a reason to believe that these kinds of experiences are OK and that people who would act with that kind of intent would have more confidence to push further!

It's no surprise Turner-Smith wants a change in behavior. It would make a lot of people feel comfortable! The studios seem to think a big reaction like a push back isn't going to be the answer to this. However, Turner-Smith is right in the fact that this could have some really positive effects.

Also Read: The Acolyte Showrunner Interview reveals a massive Star Wars Twist: Amandla Stenberg Plays Twins!.

The Acolyte's Cancelation

Unfortunately, The Acolyte had a lot to overcome! It was only out for one season and then the plug was pulled.

Fans of Star Wars often love their series to the core! So they did have a great deal to say. But the cancellation of the series came down to a business choice made by Disney and was less related to criticism or reviews! The main problem? The costs and the numbers that showed they needed more viewers to continue with production! The show came in at a whopping $230 Million, as some British news sources confirmed!

The show, while in the spotlight, has raised an alarming issue.

  • There are so many things that go on when fan critique goes too far. There are voices who feel the criticism is deserved but as many critics point out, it might be an inappropriate push that has nothing to do with true feedback or criticism.
  • The show really is not that bad, the worst that can be said is that some aspects didn't work as well, such as its pacing. There was a lot of controversy with flashbacks!
  • This was an unfair way to go. The stars in "The Acolyte" received a level of attack and the studio really didn't stand up, they chose not to fight it.

The show was canceled! But what it gave us was a really deep dive into what might happen to stars and also showed us why it's incredibly important for the movie and television industry to take a better stand and a stronger stance to counter this kind of bad behavior from the worst segments of any fan community.

It's not always going to be easy! There's something more to these events! This looks like an incredible opportunity to understand these behaviors and start talking about the issues around harassment.

"The Acolyte might not come back but the lessons learned are things that will never disappear. A story of a team trying to do some amazing work, yet being put through such unfair challenges, it might be a story of resilience, hope, and even a little anger at the way that the movie and television industry can do better for its talent! It's going to be interesting to see if any studio or streaming service decides to do anything about this toxic, bad behavior. What can happen is that this really changes the entire entertainment industry in the right direction.

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