Let Me Solo Her Is Back, This Time To Help With Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree

Elden Ring players, rejoice! Your favorite pot-wearing hero is back. Let Me Solo Her, the Elden Ring player who rose to fame for single-handedly beating Malenia, the Blade of Miquella, has returned to help with the new Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. He's ready to face the expansion's hardest bosses, and this time, he's got a new look and some different weapons.

He's not just slaying bosses for fun, though. Let Me Solo Her has been a huge content creator since his rise to fame, and he's been hard at work making videos, memes, and animations for his fans. Now, he's back to help you out with the toughest parts of Shadow of the Erdtree.

Let Me Solo Her Is Ready To Face Messmer, Shadow of the Erdtree's Biggest Challenge

Let Me Solo Her is ready to take on Shadow of the Erdtree's hardest bosses. He's already conquered the expansion's new mascot, Messmer, and posted a no-hit video on his YouTube channel, but it's not like he's gone soft. He's still rocking a pot on his head, but this time he's added Morgott's cloak and swapped out his katanas for a Falchion and Scimitar.

While Messmer isn't the expansion's final boss, he's a tough nut to crack. But Let Me Solo Her is ready to take on even the toughest challenges. He's also already beaten the expansion's final boss on stream, but it took him about an hour, which is a testament to how hard this boss is.

Let Me Solo Her is a folk hero who has returned to help his fellow Tarnished conquer the challenges of Shadow of the Erdtree. So, if you're struggling, don't worry, just call on Let Me Solo Her, and he'll take care of it. Just make sure to give him some runes to thank him for his service!