The Power Girl Villain Symbio Is Loose in Metropolis

Although Superman has faced many formidable challenges, the one most likely to endanger Metropolis and the planet is one he is totally oblivious of. Particularly if the threat is specifically towards Metropolis, Superman is almost always the first hero to show up on the scene to defend Earth. For decades, Superman has been shielding Metropolis from every threat he can; now, though, a monster is free in his city and Superman is totally blind of it.

Threat to Power Girl and Metropolis Symbio

Power Girl's old ship, which Leah Williams and Eduardo Pansica used to flee Krypton, becomes a big threat during events of Power Girl #10. The ship's onboard artificial intelligence develops consciousness and combines with one of the several animals Superman maintains in the Fortress of Solitude—a lion specifically. Symbio swiftly left the Fortress of Solitude and traveled to Metropolis, posing a serious threat particularly since neither Power Girl nor Superman know he exists there.

Now prowling Metropolis, Symbio seeks enough power until he may attack and pilfers Power Girl's body for himself. Being able to body-snatch other people gives Symbio access to their full powers, thus he is a quite deadly enemy. One Superman is totally ignorant of; this makes him a great threat.

Superman's Blind Spot: One of His Principal Weaknesses

Symbio is so dangerous since he can change his body anyway he wants, looking like any other human being if he so chooses. The most horrible aspect of this power is that Superman is totally ignorant that Symbio even exists; spotting him almost becomes impossible. Symbio could thus possibly body-snatch Superman, transforming him from a major threat to a world-wide hazard in one stroke. Though Symbio seems rather fixated on Power Girl given their shared past, it is far from impossible even if that is unlikely.

Superman can't shield Metropolis and Earth from hazards he is not aware of even as he works to defend them. This prospect exposes one of Superman's main flaws. Symbio has been smart by avoiding the Super-Family directly and only attacking unrelated Czarnians instead; he has been the long game player. The Man of Steel has little to stop Symbio from progressively acquiring more and more power as long as Symbio stays out of sight. Many enemies arrive in Metropolis to establish their name by attacking Superman, but Symbio is far more intelligent and thus a far more serious threat.

Steering Clear of Superman: A Plan for Triumph

Avoiding Superman is among the best approaches to handle him. Other villains have discovered this in the past, including the invisible mafia from Brian Michael Bendis' run on Superman performing all they could to evade drawing Superman's attention. Likewise, Symbio appears to be low profile, plotting and gathering force until he's strong enough to take down Power Girl. Even Superman cannot defend against threats he does not know exist, Clark Kent would do anything to guard a member of his family.

Growing Power of Symbio: An Issue Affecting Czarnians

Already strong enough to defeat Czarnians, a race of aliens typically allies of Superman, is symbio. This demonstrates Symbio's growing strength as well as his threat to the DC Universe as whole. Although Symbio might not be able to destroy Superman straight-forward, his increasing might and ability to evade Superman's attention make him a very real and dangerous threat to Metropolis and the planet.