What New Ability Did Superman Just Discover?
Get ready, Superman fans! Looks like Superman just discovered an epic, super-powered move! It’s the ultimate combination that makes him stronger than ever before! And that’s awesome because, in the world of DC Comics, no one can really stand a chance against the Man of Steel - he always saves the day!
So Superman Can Do What Now?
- Superman just learned that he can do something that’s never been seen in Superman comics. In this issue of Action Comics #1068, this big ol’ Gorathian warship is about to crash on Metropolis! Our Superman’s like “no way”!
- Now we are learning all about how his super-strength is getting a serious upgrade. Think of his already amazing Superman abilities! They just went next level. How can the Justice League leader keep his power at a maximum?
What Did He Do?
- He found a way to use his Superman speed - his amazing power of speed - combined with his super-strength! No one expected this, because DC Comics never put those together - Superman usually had to do them one at a time.
- And Superman's going fast and strong as he saves a ton of people from those aliens trying to destroy Earth!
Wait - Can That Really Happen?
It's so super weird! Superman used to just fly super fast to avoid any major problems! But he made a major change in this one Superman storyline when he made a huge move! It looks like there’s no limit to Superman's powers! It shows why he’s a big part of DC Comics, DC Universe and why we love this DC Comics superhero so much!
Will He Have To Fight More Aliens Now?
- It looks like we are about to see a whole new series about Superman’s fights with aliens in this next Superman comic book series! We even got a hint about Brainiac and what he's up to. Maybe there will be some epic clashes! Who’s ready for a new Superman story?
We are super excited to see what Superman has to offer! If you love those big superhero comics, you've gotta check this out!