DC vs. Vampires: An Earth in Crisis

Dark and twisted, the DC vs. Vampires universe is one in which vampires have subjugated humanity under slavery and taken over the Justice League Only a small number of uninfected people remain while most heroes have been turned into terrible creatures. Although the future of this planet seems dark, Bat-Mite may hold unexpected hope.

Bat-Mite: The Unanticipated Healer?

Bat-Mite is a committed Batman fan and an interdimensional imp. Among the most strong entities in the DC Universe, he has reality-bending ability. Bat-Mite could be the only one able to flip the tide against the vampire army in a world when Batman is dead and the heroes are vanquished.

Bat-Mite's Ability to Reinterpret Reality

Bat-Mite's ability to shape reality also includes undoing tragedies and healing the fallen. Batman among other heroes has vanished from the DC vs. Vampires universe. Bat-Mite's loyalty to Batman might help him to bring back the Dark Knight, or maybe he could discover another hero to fix on in this devastated planet.

Potential Effect of Bat-Mite on the DC vs. Vampires Universe

Bat-Mite could transform the DC vs. Vampires universe in a myriad of ways with his ability to bend reality:

Bat-Mite's loyalty to Batman makes him most likely driven to reverse the vampire's triumph and revive Batman.

Bat-Mite could either totally eradicate the vampires or reverse their metamorphosis, so returning the heroes to their former splendor.

Bat-Mite might shape reality to establish a new world order in which his selected hero rules supremely.

Batman's Death and the Arrival of Bat-Mite

The Bat-Family's passing marked the beginning of this gloomy planet's fall. Nightwing rose to be the vampire king, thus Batman, Tim Drake, and Jason Todd met sad ends. This leaves a void in the Bat-Family one that Bat-Mite might be especially suited to fill.

Can Will Bat-Mite revive Batman?

Characters like Deathstroke have tried to bring Batman back throughout the DC against Vampires narrative, but none have been successful. The only person able to both kill the vampires and bring Batman back from the dead is Bat-Mite. His loyalty to the Dark Knight makes it quite likely that he will behave, but the outcomes of his choices are unknown.

The DC versus. Vampires Universe's Future

DC vs. Vampires: World War V #3 promises an interesting clash between the surviving heroes and the vampire armies. Bat-Mite's arrival gives this already depressing environment still another level of complexity. Bat-Mite could rewrite the whole narrative with his reality-bending ability, so leaving the fate of the DC vs. Vampires universe unknown.