apex is who?

Originally Prince Otherone, Apex is a strong cosmic hero who recently changed his name to better represent his great might. Member of the Musculans, a race of muscle-bound entities essentially parodies Masters of the Universe, Apex is He's sort of like a huge, dumb, muscle-bound man who has access to a lot of power but doesn't fully grasp the nuances of the world.

How acquired Apex his powers?

One of the Infinity Stones, the Power Stone finds residence in Apex. The Power Stone selected him, and it enabled him to direct unbounded power. The problem is that he loses power the more he muses over it.

Why did Apex name change?

Apex changed names a few times before deciding on Apex. He started with "Powerstone," which is somewhat on the nose. Then he wished to be "Prince of Power," but Hercules, his friend, already carried that title. He chose Apex since it captures his great force.

Regarding Thor, what is Apex's?

Currently best friends are Thor and Apex! Thor is guiding Apex in learning to be a hero and to master his great power. Given that Apex is essentially a walking Infinity Stone, Thor even asked Apex to reside in New York City—a rather dangerous action. One of the main dangers Thor is facing, the Utgard-Gods, requires Apex's might to be fought against.

Is Apex truly that stupid?

Although Apex lacks true understanding of the world and is somewhat innocent, this is really a benefit given his great power. It makes him more difficult to corrupt and implies that someone who lacks actual understanding of what they are doing owns one of the most potent objects in the universe. Apex is so foolish he cannot even regulate his power till he is not thinking!

What relevance does knowledge have in the narrative?

The narrative of Immortal Thor is on how knowledge is power. Thor is always defeating his enemies by applying his wisdom. The complete opposite is apex, and his ignorance really makes him quite strong. Though he doesn't know how to wield his authority, even thinking about it can cause him to drain it from others.