The Long-Awaited Finish of the Proto-Goblin

Marvel Comics is at last ready to unveil the fate of one of Spider-Man's oldest enemies, the Proto-Goblin, after over thirty years. Norman Osborn, a forgotten enemy who predates even the famous Green Goblin, has remained a riddle in the Spider-Man universe. His last fate is about to be revealed now.

Origin and Ignored Storyline of the Proto-Goblin

Originally published in 1997's Spider-Man #-1, the Proto-Goblin—real name Nels van Adder—was an Oscorp research assistant who fell under the focus of the Biogenetic Project Supreme, sometimes known as the Goblin Formula. The experiment changed Nels's physique so profoundly that he became a hideous beast with red skin and huge claws. Driven by a grudge against Norman Osborn, he blamed for his metamorphosis, Nels aimed for Osborn and then, Spider-Man. But this early phase of Spider-Man's employment with the Proto-Goblin stayed unresolved, so leaving Nels' narrative lacking.

Shadow of the Green Goblin: A Flashback Through Early Days of Peter Parker

Only one month after Peter Parker put on the mask for the first time, the current miniseries, Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin, transports readers to his early days as the Wall-Crawler. Spider-Man comes onto the Proto-Goblin during this time. This miniseries explores the beginnings of Spider-Man's first Goblin, therefore preparing the ground for the narrative of the Proto-Goblin to at last turn full circle.

The Final Fate of the Proto-Goblin: A Mystery Still To Be Decussed

Shadow of the Green Goblin #4 offers to expose the Proto-Goblin's "Final Fate". Although the exact form of this fate is yet unclear, the implication is that the death of the Proto-Goblin could mark the end of this miniserie. Still, the "final fate" of the Proto-Goblin might be another one. Maybe Nels achieves forgiveness or cures his metamorphosis, which would explain his absence from Marvel stories since his debut. The solution will become clear when the problem surfaces on July 31.

Spider-Man: Hero and villain legacy

Within the Marvel universe, Spider-Man is a multifarious and timeless character. His stories have always revolved on his rogues' gallery, full with famous enemies. Though lost for years, the trip of the Proto-Goblin is a major component of Spider-Man's early life and clarifies the darker sides of his beginnings. The disclosure of the ultimate destiny of the Proto-Goblin is evidence of the ongoing legacy of Spider-Man, a hero whose rich narratives and nuanced characters enthralls viewers.