Movies News Talk

Wheel of Time: Aginor's Mysterious Absence Explained!

Wheel of Time: A Missing Villain and a New Twist on an Old Mystery!

Wheel of Time's Missing Forsaken: Aginor's Absence and What It Means

Amazon's Wheel of Time is a massive adaptation of Robert Jordan's epic fantasy novels. It’s huge and complex; many details make it incredibly unique. And with such a big, complex universe—it’s not surprising that some things get changed!  One key difference: a missing Forsaken! This article discusses this apparent omission and discusses those changes to this incredible story that we now know and those surprises revealed throughout. Get ready for spoilers, because we're diving deep into the show's lore!

The books have thirteen Forsaken—immortal channelers serving the Dark One. But the show? It seems to only have eight!   Those broken seals in season 2, and statues from season 1, suggest some Forsaken got cut from the series, and that specific cuts mean a very major, very interesting thing will result! We don’t have confirmation on which ones—but Aginor looks like a prime candidate! He doesn't affect the overall plots around Rand, but his absence creates fascinating implications which may surprise audiences used to that other story structure!

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The Trolloc Mystery: Aginor's Potential Role

Wheel of Time The Eye of the World Cover Art Image

Aginor is pretty important regarding Trollocs; the Dark One's monster armies!   In the books, Aginor created these creatures. Using the One Power, he warped humans and animals together – those creepy creatures are born! 

The show mentions similar Trolloc origins. Season 1’s onscreen notes refer to “dark constructs developed by a man during the Age of the First Dragon.”  That totally aligns with Aginor's book role; but the lack of mentioning of Aginor might also hint toward someone else doing these horrible creations instead, suggesting that new storytelling and those narrative plot points are possible even with a large existing narrative which can influence those events, particularly involving previously created events in those earlier storylines that established this existing lore.

Also Read: The Wheel of Time Season 2: Where's That Missing Prologue From 'Eye of the World'?

Why Aginor Likely Got Cut

A statue of the Forsaken Asmodean in The Wheel of Time. Image

Out of those five likely cut ForsakenAginor (and Balthamel) are the most likely candidates. In The Eye of the World (the first book), these two fight Rand al'Thor and the Green Man (that famous final scene!) and die! The show adapts that Eye of the World fight—without them! Their big omission implies both got cut! Their early deaths in the book make cutting them easily understandable, they are simply not very significant and can be dropped in the show without significant implications for later parts of the storyline.

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Who Made the Trollocs, Then? A New Twist!

Wheel Of Time - Perrin and the Whitecloaks Image

The show could just ignore Trolloc origins; yet those events surrounding this lore is an integral part and might require additional revisitation later in future episodes or a separate storyline entirely that would not impact that primary focus and would likely expand the lore and build the overall narrative, and this very thing would require exploring this character in additional ways.   So, who's the Trolloc creator, then?

It could be any male Forsaken featured, which could include Sammael, whose Wheel of Time appearance was revealed in season 2! Then there is the mystery surrounding Demandred: His known skill with military strategies make him another prime option.  He could've channeled Trolloc creation.

Also Read: Wheel of Time Season 3: Perrin's Story & Heartbreaking Loss

Conclusion: Aginor’s Absence Creates Exciting Possibilities!

Wheel of Time Season 2 Poster Image

While Aginor's removal seemingly might cause issues,  his absence creates incredible creative chances, suggesting the producers wanted those aspects which made their adaptation stronger! That could change many interpretations regarding the origins of this universe, demonstrating how intelligent reworking of lore is easily done in an adaptation! We already have more insights into the Age of Legends, potentially giving a really surprising creator, completely altering this narrative that many may not fully realize exists! That creative change has its own merits and makes this adaptation highly enjoyable despite differences!

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