Browsing: Animation

Though this time it might possibly work, Netflix's forthcoming animated feature, "The Imaginary," is following a trend of films about imaginary companions. Look at why past movies like "Imaginary" and "IF" failed as well as how "The Imaginary" is approaching things. Find the original idea, the release date of the movie, and the reasons it might be the saving grace for this strange trend in 2024 films.

Inside Out 2 looks with Riley's complicated emotional landscape as she moves into puberty. The director shares his fresh awareness of how ostensibly unpleasant emotions including anxiety, envy, and shame could also be good influences in our life. Find out how audiences will relate to this fresh viewpoint and how it captures the original "Inside Out's character arc."

Though iconic filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki's audacious approach on artificial intelligence brings optimism to artists concerned about job security, AI is engulfating the anime business. A voice actor talks on how the business is changing and their experience with AI substituting human ability. Find out how Miyazaki's voice motivates creators to struggle for human creativity in front of artificial intelligence development.

Predicted to enjoy one of Pixar's largest opening weekends ever, Inside Out 2 could perhaps rank second-highest grossing launch for the animation company. Find the expected box office revenues of the movie, compare it to the original, and learn about the possible popularity of the sequel.