Movies News Talk

Inception: A Deep Dive into Christopher Nolan's Mind-Bending Masterpiece

There's no denying it, Christopher Nolan's Inception was one of those Movies that blew everyone's mind, especially those who have a fascination with sci-fi thrillers!

A Multi-Level Heist That Remains An Enigma:

The world of Inception is set around one epic heist. A mind-bending action flick that not only keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, it also keeps fans talking about its themes for a long, long time.

This film made a name for itself! With some crazy special effects! An epic story about dreaming. What truly blew everyone away was Inception's mind-bending ending! A wild sequence that showed us the heart of this story - a team that uses mind-bending technology to infiltrate the minds of those in their deepest dreams.

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An Important Part of the Plot:

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What makes Inception a story for the ages. You have to go back to the beginning! One part is figuring out the journey that Cobb takes his crew through. The film takes its inspiration from the world of dreams, and how those dreams can get incredibly layered. You can't get lost as it moves between those five layers of the dreams to complete their most dangerous job ever.

  • Each layer becomes incredibly important
  • Each level gives you the context you need.
  • A fascinating twist to a typical story of a mind-bending heist is what sets this show apart!
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The Layers Of The Movie:

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Inception will keep you in suspense and has the ability to confuse audiences so let's get a clear overview of what the dreamers in this crazy movie encounter as Cobb and his team work to pull off a heist. It is, after all, a job for only the bold and brilliant to complete! You've got the mission to convince a businessman (Robert Fischer), played by Cillian Murphy! This man will eventually find out a major, life-changing decision to break up his company. All thanks to the request from the business rival (Saito) played by Ken Watanabe to take charge of Cobb, a true master, in getting things done and bringing his special, incredible team together to succeed!

  • It was about creating an idea, a feeling, an impression
  • It had to take place in the deepest level of this individual's dream
  • The five layers were one of those amazing ideas!
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Reality- Layer 1:

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While there are a bunch of dream layers in the movie, there has to be a way to show fans that the film started out as real! And how everything else in the movie, got increasingly out there!

It's always been tricky to understand a world of dreams and for everyone watching the movie we have "totems" in place. What's that? These objects are specifically used to create this real sense. It makes sure those that watch understand they are no longer in reality. A little cheat to help out the movie. It is incredibly effective!

That's what helps with one big part of Cobb and the team’s mission to put an idea in another person’s head and in this first level it really helps everyone make sense of their reality! The film's starting point, the beginning of their journey, is shown. This really gets the plot in motion! In this scene Cobb’s group uses the real world to pull the first move to get Saito what he's looking for.

  • Saito makes the scene play out, in a special, complex move
  • A twist to have his target, Robert Fischer (in "Inception") make this important trip!
  • Saito makes sure Fischer gets on the plane
  • He also makes sure there's plenty of room!
  • This way, Cobb’s group can surround him! They’ll even enlist a friendly flight attendant to help out!

It looks like the setup is complete, but Cobb and the crew need to give him a good sedative. A team is on hand, using a unique apparatus that allows everyone to enter the mind, and the film’s storyline really begins to expand

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Level 2- Raining City

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It looks like we've got the action moving at lightning speeds! As the characters venture deep into this new world, audiences get to understand this wild idea!

With everyone now connected to each other through a device that enables them to enter their dreams they begin a major move and what's so cool, it is now the second of the five layers in this incredible film! As this journey gets underway, it has this special dynamic: Cobb’s team is on the run to give Robert Fischer the chance to experience the "inception" process and change what’s really going on.

  • There’s the first challenge the city itself
  • What makes this one even more difficult for everyone in Inception, there's rain!

It appears everyone knows how to navigate, except for their mark, "Fischer!" And he's not alone in this world. Cobb had a crew that had a few goals in this crazy scenario:

  • To create Fischer’s initial feelings about breaking up his company!
  • Eames, one of Cobb’s best crew members tries to convince Fischer.
  • What was so special about this level, was the addition of an Uncle, the one person Fischer seemed to really trust and the idea that his father had loved him. What’s really important, too is that this moment of trust sets up Fischer’s path!
  • That will have a huge impact, for Cobb’s mission

Fans of Inception love how intense and chaotic the city turns. As Fischer’s mind, it reacts to the invaders "soldiers" emerge to keep them at bay and it appears that the mission is at stake!

  • Even "Mal" the one thing "Cobb" tries so desperately to leave in the past.
  • It was one of those ghosts, a symbol, a painful memory, that kept haunting Cobb as his life was so disrupted.

The movie keeps bringing these shocking and wild sequences and that was not enough! There was even more in this wild journey with the help of a freight train! This means a lot of action! The next stage is a journey through the plane with some special tactics!

Level 3 - The Hotel


This film’s special twist? We continue to move to this unique space: A luxurious hotel!

  • This part of the journey has the role of the dreamer and this was "Arthur," a part of "Cobb’s" crew that helps to give viewers this special world.
  • One of the coolest and well known moments in Inception. A gravity-defying fight scene, in a hotel, will give you chills, which is even cooler when it was filmed on set with an insane amount of work to keep this amazing moment so powerful. It is one of the biggest achievements, using minimal CGI to capture the most incredible scenes!

The amazing scenes, from the movie's screenplay, gave the world more! If there's one thing that is incredible, in this film's screenplay it gives audiences a sense that a special scene will come together which brings some incredible tension that pushes viewers to look at things in a brand new way!

  • It's not just any story, in Inception the mission for "Cobb's" team is to go even further! There was the idea to place himself as someone to help guard "Fischer's" subconscious. A very convincing "Cobb" to earn "Fischer's" trust and take a chance.

You might not realize how deep Inception gets into things!

  • A big change that takes place as "Fischer" believes it's actually reality and he really begins to buy into this wild plan.
  • One part that is always worth the attention, "Eames" takes charge, pretending to be the Uncle. This creates this amazing deception, a plot twist to keep everyone glued to their seats, where he plants these seeds of doubt that truly start to take control.

The tension continues to build and everyone knows this will eventually lead to a battle between father and son.

As the audience witnesses these extraordinary moments, the layers continue to build! That means that each time someone gets into a new layer it changes the rate of time as the heist’s timeline gets faster, meaning a 10-second move can have major effects on "Cobb's" team, because they are all interconnected through this machine.

  • As this special, complex move happens, it leaves "Cobb" in a hard spot to make things work with the "kick!".

Level 4 - Snow Fortress Hospital

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A new world and this was a major setup by "Ariadne!" An incredible world. You know there are going to be big twists! This new place was "Eames’", where the movie keeps going back to "Fischer’s" feelings about his dad!

Fans get to see more crazy action as this character has his mind tricked once again!

What's really interesting in "Inception", there are all kinds of challenges, but what is Cobb doing here?

  • There's that final proof! that an "inception" really exists, if this sci-fi technology worked. It also is where a projection of "Fischer's" dad! What's even better. The dad shares some great truths that push "Fischer" toward change.

There's this great feeling that this team used a very strategic, and creative move that gets everyone involved. "Cobb" set a really great goal from the very start.

  • In "Inception" this means creating feelings of good emotion rather than hate.

With that kind of change it will only take time for it all to come to a final moment! It's something you won't realize in "Inception" right away as "Fischer" begins to get a feel for "Cobb’s plan that starts to grow on him!

Level 5 - Limbo: The Deepest Dream Layer

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The deepest layer. It's not going to be a good journey if you get down here, in "Inception." Everyone should pay extra close attention to "Cobb’s special trip. You see he's got his team and they face so many challenges when going back to get their mission finished! And to be successful "Cobb has to use everything they’ve got and even rely on his incredible "totem" that keeps him grounded!

  • When they're in this place, there are really a lot of moments in "Inception" that can affect how you view things! What happens, as Cobb and his crew travel through the deepest levels of their dream. You might think time changes for a while. Well it's almost like you are no longer in that familiar time that they knew in the other dream worlds! In "Inception" this makes the impact all the more serious.
  • Time in "Inception" starts to feel so slow and they go on an amazing journey where it seems, nothing makes any sense in the dream world.
  • It appears in "Inception", it doesn't take much time for people to get lost!

What was truly heartbreaking, in this journey through "Limbo," it takes "Cobb back to "Mal!" That was one of the hardest moments for him because he lost her. While he kept going to therapy, that emotional weight was so hard! She showed up again and this could really mess up "Cobb" in his journey!

  • "Cobb's" wife really threw a big wrench in the process as it almost got the team off-track as a projection of his wife almost cost everyone the heist.
  • You can even find this same scene, with more emotion when you consider the death of Fischer! That was almost a loss for "Cobb’s team.
  • It took him time but "Cobb" pulled a bold move. It was about accepting the past, not living there and that gave them a way out!

What It All Meant

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Fans who are dedicated to "Inception", are on edge during this whole moment! In this incredible story the movie starts with an interesting event! With the goal of changing someone’s reality, the crew has their work cut out! The mission was to convince someone to make a tough choice! However, it's also a way to create this awesome twist. There was a sense of how deep the world got with time that flowed! It had those moments of drama as this movie changed what audiences really cared about!

You might just want to get lost in this incredible movie! While "Inception" might give fans of the sci-fi and heist genres plenty of exciting scenes to appreciate and is truly a love letter to those of us that want mind-bending action, as well as some truly great performances.

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