“Better Man,” the Robbie Williams biopic directed by Michael Gracey is a unique cinematic experience . It explores a complex journey of fame and self-discovery. Williams is a popular British pop star but with little recognition in the U.S., his persona has evolved over time from his early boy band career to later his solo artist role.
A Different Biopic Approach
In “ Better Man ,” Robbie Williams’ story is told using unique and artistic liberties including having Williams portrayed by a CGI chimpanzee. This approach allows for exploration of inner turmoil that has become common with Williams career while exploring his struggles with the glitz that is around him. The chimpanzee represents self-deprecation as well.
Creative Liberties
The CGI creation with combined with motion-capture provides for a thought provoking performance. The director who also has credits with the Greatest Showman, uses creative camera work while utilizing reimagined versions of songs which connect with parts of Robbie’s life that are explored in each moment.
Story and Narration
The film follows a unique order moving the story between Williams' difficult childhood and early career. He delivers narration with both humor and pain which helps guide audiences through different parts of his experience and provides for raw honesty throughout.
Focus on Williams’ Inner World
Williams addresses what he considers to be depression and struggles he has had throughout his career, this creates new context within the movie. His self deprecating personality acts as a shield against the fame around him and is used to showcase inner pain.
Music and Story Integration
The film creatively rearranges Robbie Williams' discography as his musical selections are made to show different emotional moments within his life. For example in place of putting songs in normal chronoligical order Gracey focuses on lyrics to create new moments of intense feeling. The songs fit seamlessly with the movie, and even cover songs provide for a deeper meaning by his interpretation.
The Use of the Song Rock DJ
One particular creative highlight includes Take That dancing in a choreographed moment through CGI camera work on "Rock DJ" a song that Williams originally released after his time with Take That was over. Using familiar landmarks in London also showcases both growth as well as how he saw his past and future.
Public and Critical Reception
Initial reviews of Better Man highlight that though it’s creatively intriguing it might also be a gamble. American audiences were not as aware of Williams, which made the film’s unusual style a hard approach for some to grasp. But the film was positively received by many critics showing that it’s ability to tell a compelling story made the movie successful.
Box Office and Recognition
While making only $1.1 million in the United States it did well with some viewership. Critics seemed to mostly enjoy the content showcasing that the film has achieved something unique. However the high production budget and the unique approach to story telling may have turned off mainstream viewers. The film had previously garnered interest for its song and special effects. The movie shows promise that with new viewers could help the film be a success in the long term.
Other Details Regarding “Better Man”
Real Life Moments Used on Screen
Many personal connections are found throughout the series with relationships to his father to also his partner from the past that is showcased. In addition Robbie Williams made time during a question and answer session of the movie to officaite a wedding . These small moments were authentic to what makes the series feel real to the fans. The connections and real life moments adds a raw and authentic approach to an already odd presentation of facts.
Williams' Feelings and Insights
Robbie states his feelings about success and also his experiences to create both artful pieces as well as honest insight of his mind set. Williams does this while embracing who he is and how to use that for greater good. His insight is meant to challenge what some feel a pop star should portray.
Key Takeaways
- “Better Man” offers an exploration of Robbie Williams’s life through a biopic that features a CGI monkey.
- The film balances both serious and emotional topics while weaving in popular songs through creative choices of song use.
- While having mixed reactions, the movie is now deemed artistically driven and successful through different aspects that may become a cult classic.
- The use of unique camera work combined with honest narration add both creative and also vulnerable aspects to this work of art.
- Robbie Williams views show business with both disdain and respect as it provides for an avenue of change and also highlights the many problems with fame.