Movies News Talk

Section 31: The Evil That Threatens Star Trek's Future

In the ever-expanding world of Star Trek, there is one organization that makes those who believe in the ideal future envisioned by Gene Roddenberry question things.

Section 31- The Evil of Star Trek

You may know Star Trek for its iconic moments in space, incredible action, and strong characters, who really want to make the galaxy a more fulfilling place.

The series "Star Trek" looks to give audiences something exceptional, a hope that the future could have some of its darkest moments, while always keeping those core ideals. What if someone was taking all of that for granted? The group is called "Section 31," who seems to not care as much about a world of utopia!

It seems Section 31 really has changed from what the creator of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, thought about what the future of the franchise was supposed to be about. And one new story arc from "Star Trek: Defiant #19 is going to be quite terrifying! This latest arc reveals just how twisted these characters can really be!

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The Origins Of Section 31

Six panels of Doctor Bashir and Chief O'Brien talking Image

Even those who have never watched this sci-fi series, might have seen what "Section 31 looks like! It seems that some characters were super concerned about the whole galaxy. To prevent things, they created "Section 31,", an agency to take action if anything dangerous and threatening showed up.

Fans saw "Section 31" for the very first time in the sixth season of the series "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine", making their appearance in the 1990s. And this organization continues to be a recurring and truly special character. This isn't the end of "Section 31! The latest news has the agency coming to Paramount+! It looks like fans will get even more insights about this super secretive organization in a special movie!

The whole idea of "Section 31" created controversy with fans, and it looks like there's a really special reason as to why people may have disliked them.

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Section 31 And Gene Roddenberry's Vision

Text piece from Section 31 Image

Gene Roddenberry believed in making a better tomorrow! He saw the stars as full of potential, peace, unity, and progress. He never believed humanity was going to do anything bad or dangerous, and those in the franchise never intended to portray that message.

However, if you are looking for a side of "Star Trek" that breaks these molds it’s with Section 31!

This group, has these ideas that are a little too realistic for some fans. They may take liberties, such as using those tactical weapons to help prevent problems from developing, which they might say they need to protect everyone!

  • Those in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" could look up to those who were always making a point that the "Star Trek" series had morals that stood above everything! Those on-screen heroes were heroes in truth and for fans to make sure those ideas were true! But Section 31? Not so much.
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Section 31's True Nature

Emperor Georgiou and Section 31 in Star Trek Discovery Image

This agency does a lot of horrible things that aren't truly considered to be ethical, but that doesn't mean they aren't dangerous.

  • This group uses violence! They do it as well to preserve peace in their universe. Fans have even seen these actions that bring this agency out. Some may recall when the character, Control was featured in "Star Trek: Discovery" in its second season. It made its appearance as a really horrific figure!
  • In season three of "Picard" audiences learned a little about what Section 31 was doing with its secrets in those special storage facilities that were more horrifying. The episode gave fans some crazy, intense moments!

It appears these special storage units are full of all the crazy stuff in this galaxy, some including weapons like a Genesis device, which has been in Star Trek for years and the most frightening is that they seem to be the creators of genetically altered Changelings. It is definitely one of those storylines that leaves a lasting impression for fans!

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How The Agency Has Changed

Michelle Yeoh as Georgiou in first image from Section 31 and a hero shot of her as Emperor Georgiou Image

The agency "Section 31" really took on its newest role. They came together in the latest run of "Star Trek: Defiant," It seems that Section 31 is determined to take over and control. In fact, it went a step further! Using tactics that have left many Star Trek fans outraged. What are the big changes? One is the new tactic the agency was employing which was to threaten a highly respected Starfleet officer called "Chief O'Brien." This "Starfleet" member has an iconic history and fans are used to seeing him do important work!

This wasn't your ordinary message, it's actually what might leave audiences feeling some chills! The latest chapter of "Star Trek: Defiant" really did something that even some hardcore "Star Trek" fans did not believe to be possible. The character of "O'Brien" is placed on "indefinite" detention and there's something truly horrifying about these words, because the idea is that he will even get a "re-education" that could force him into a more obedient role! To put things in perspective this would really violate so many agreements that exist, not only for the galaxy, but for the whole Star Trek Universe.

The writers also took on another shocking challenge, too, they pushed audiences and questioned a key principle about this galaxy, Star Trek's, future. But not just that, it's the type of vision that Roddenberry created, in a very realistic way! The series looks like it is changing as "Section 31 gains control!

While fans are excited about new movies! It seems Star Trek fans will also continue to question the purpose and intent of this evil group, who keep testing boundaries! The fact that these new stories are being written as "Section 31" keeps on growing with its influence on the entire Star Trek Universe, and its potential to corrupt and impact everything these iconic characters represent makes them even more terrifying and forces viewers to look deeply at this amazing franchise!

"Star Trek: Defiant" has an interesting story that looks to take a wild, interesting and super complex ride as it unfolds. You might even want to look out for "Section 31's new mission.

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