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Plastic Man Turns Killer: DC Comics Shocks Readers!

In the wacky world of Comic Books, anything goes and there is a lot to see, especially with the recent release of the latest DC Comics Issue!

A Shocking Twist

The hero, Plastic Man, has done the unthinkable and some fans might never see the lovable hero the same way! Plastic Man has transformed from the lighthearted hero to a cold killer, marking one of the darkest twists in DC Comics history.

Fans of the comic books, especially those who are big fans of DC Comics, may not think of Plastic Man, as someone who could murder any other hero! But Patrick "Eel" O'Brian is changing what audiences thought was possible with his actions! He ended the lives of six powerful heroes: The Metal Men.

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Plastic Man No More! Issue #2:


What made this a wild and shocking turn of events?

  • This new storyline for "Plastic Man No More!", really has a new direction.
  • It starts as this unusual comic about this amazing superhero! He has the most fantastic power as he is literally a "stretchy superhero.", an ability he is learning more about.

Patrick O'Brian is now searching for a cure to survive an ongoing Death sentence he is going through.

You won't believe how bizarre this all gets! He even had to think up ways to build a giant Nuclear Bomb, putTing himself at its epicenter so that he may be able to reverse this terrifying reality of death!

What's interesting, is Plastic Man doesn't have an easy time in this issue! In this storyline, Plastic Man seeks out Uranium who could help create this bomb!

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The Tragic Death of the Metal Men:

Plastic Man No More! #2 Metal Men Dying 2 Image

As things start to unravel you can see the real horror unfold in these comic book pages, but you've got to read it! To do that Plastic Man gets help from a great friend. You get to meet Woozy and with that team, they are tasked to find a very interesting character - No-Face!, who wants to do the same as Patrick O'Brian! However, what sets these heroes apart is their power and it takes "Metal Man" who can help with "Uranium". It ends badly in this issue!

The plan doesn't work out! "Metal Man,", in a super unfortunate moment. Ends up melTing.

It appears Plastic Man has changed. This really shows how dire the situation has become!

But it also shows the danger he's in as he is on this mission! It's an incredibly crazy, dark, twist that leaves fans thinking about just how far "Plastic Man will go to save himself!

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A Return From the Molten Pot?

JLA Plastic Man Image

So this might not be the final moments of The Metal Men! "Uranium was super intense when he explained, "Wow, you killed them, you killed them all."

There is even more proof that The Metal Men could come back as well!

  • It was clear in Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #14, there was a moment where all of "The Metal Men" were put into the "molten pot."
  • What came after, the following comic was showing the "Metal Men" completely whole. It was almost like magic! They came back from an incredibly unfortunate situation.

These characters were back in action! It seems like, this might just mean there is a ray of hope.

Fans who want more from these beloved comic book characters won't want to miss out on "Plastic Man No More!." They may be getting even more amazing stories in the pages of DC Comics.

The newest DC storyline, has a few more mysteries up its sleeve! It will show just what lengths these Heroes and villains are willing to go through.

So if you are reading "Plastic Man No More!" be sure to check out the latest comic book issue to get the full insight.

These storylines are sure to give the latest run of these comics so many new directions and a chance for more people to discover these exciting Heroes.

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