Tragic irony at its best is cosmic ghost rider being responsible for creating Thanos.

Cosmic Ghost Rider only adopted Thanos as a baby to escape the exact conditions of his own birth. Thanos is the reason Cosmic Ghost Rider only exists; the Mad Titan killed everyone on Earth in Thanos Wins, and Frank Castle became Ghost Rider and then the Herald of Galactus. Cosmic Ghost Rider seeks to raise Thanos to be a hero in order to prevent another world in which he does this. Regretfully, his influence has the reverse impact.

Not only that, but Frank Castle's initial intent in the Marvel cosmos was as the Puncher, someone dedicated to punishing violent criminals and evildoers of all kinds - and Thanos is the only person in the cosmos who more aptly matches that criteria. Thanos murders any life form that crosses him not only but also without any trace of regret. Tragically ironic since Castle himself is covertly to blame if he was strong enough the Puncher would surely target Thanos for the evil he has done.

Though the MCU Version Got Off Easy, Thanos May Have Died in the MCU is not enough to offset His Perpetual Suffering in Marvel Comics.

Thanos's reputation as the Mad Titan is more than justified given he has dedicated his whole life to conquest, murder, and the desire of power. Whatever his aims are, Thanos will do anything to reach them; he is not hesitant to kill anyone who gets in his path. And now, Marvel Comics discloses the source of Thanos's apparently unending bloodlust: one A-list Marvel hero covertly trained Thanos to kill.

Frank Castle, also known as Cosmic Ghost Rider #5 by Donny Cates and Dylan Burnett, is startled to discover that Thanos has subjugated a future version of the Earth, placing the entire planet under his totalitarian rule - and doing it under the name Castle's former moniker, the Punisher. Thanos was snatched as a baby and raised by Cosmic Ghost Rider to prevent such a result, but here he was, living up to his destiny in a very terrible way.

Thanos Arguably Formed His Own Origin from an Other Marvel Future

Though Cosmic Ghost Rider does seem to be responsible, one could argue that Thanos fashioned his own creation. Once more, Cosmic Ghost Rider only exists because of the Thanos Wins version of Thanos; that Thanos is also the reason Cosmic Ghost Rider attempts to raise young Thanos as a hero to start with. The villainy of Thanos inspired his younger self by means of Cosmic Ghost Rider. Beginning and ending with Thanos, this flat circle is perverted by Cosmic Ghost Rider acting as an unintentional pawn.

Though Thanos is ultimately in charge of his own fate—perhaps literally—it's intriguing to find that he wasn't fixated on the concept of death at such a young age for no particular reason. Though he was too young to recall it, Thanos's experience with Cosmic Ghost Rider shaped him and made the A-list hero Frank Castle, also known as the Punisher, subtly to blame for Thanos's wicked beginning.

"Someone Had to Teach Him to Kill": Secretly to Blame for Thanos' Origin Is an A-List Marvel Hero

Marvel Comics has a well-known cosmic evil in Thanos, but only because of the impact a startling A-list hero had on him when he was a toddler.

Cosmic Ghost Rider is forced to kill this incarnation of his adopted son before bringing Thanos, still a baby, back to his crib on Titan. By reseting the chronology, this act lets the Marvel Universe play out as fans know it. But simply exposing young Thanos to such extreme brutality at a young age permanently changed Thanos's psyche, and Lady Death herself attests to this as the reason Thanos became the Mad Titan.