Does the New Spider-Man Animated Series Take Place in the MCU?

While Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man - the new Marvel Cinematic Universe animated show, is being produced by Marvel, this isn't part of the MCU (specifically those films starring Peter Parker as played by Tom Holland. Even so, this series has a direct connection as this show will be influenced by the MCU and even some key actors will appear.

This is something to keep in mind as the production will likely include both a connection to Marvel Cinematic Universe, along with introducing a unique approach as a new narrative arc. The addition of key Marvel actors who have a history - specifically, those like Charlie Cox, as Daredevil - and even Vincent D'Onofrio. They are poised to bring a distinct touch to their roles in this series, as those who enjoy this new animated series can experience the same type of dark edge. But a few new changes and twists will also become part of this story.

How Will the New Spider-Man Prequel Comic be Different?

Those familiar with the classic Spider-Man stories might know the origin tale of how Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider - but this is going to take on an even more mystical path. In the animated Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man show - a prequel comic was released (as it serves as the source for how this show and the comics blend together - a production meant to expand on the storyline, characters, and main narrative).

Even with the production of the prequel comic (one of the first of a five-part series with Marvel Comics being at the helm of the publication), it has become known as a pivotal piece as those fans will recognize how Peter Parker's origin story has shifted - this involves Doctor Strange, as he opens up a portal which leads to a spider biting Peter Parker - a very dramatic departure from those events, as fans have become familiar with.

Is there a Spider-Man: No Way Home 2?

Although there is speculation about future movies starring Spider-Man, Marvel hasn't officially announced Spider-Man: No Way Home 2 or if a new Spider-Man movie is in the works.

However, with Spider-Man being such a popular character - and one that has become synonymous with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it’s likely that fans could be treated to additional installments and see new adventures - and those that follow his journeys could anticipate just how Peter Parker will continue to shape the universe of those around him and even the galaxy.