Deadpool Is Officially Dead in Marvel Lore
One of Marvel’s most popular characters — Deadpool, the “Merc with a Mouth,” is now officially dead in Marvel comics lore.
With a healing factor - one that can heal a wide range of injuries that would often leave most superheroes dead. It allows him to heal quickly and completely from wounds (injuries that could include an explosion or having his head severed), and will often reappear in those moments - – with the ability to continue on, with no physical impact to his body.
The question many Marvel fans have been asking for some time - is how is it possible for any villain to beat a character with this type of ability? But in a recent issue of Deadpool, the hero finally meets his match. This includes Death Grip - who’s an individual who has dedicated himself to taking down the Merc with a Mouth ( the killer was obsessed with Deadpool). That determination to get rid of the hero (as he is a superhuman fighter who will do whatever it takes). Death Grip took out a key member, in a momentary of strength, during one of their fights and had the ability to use his own skills. And as Deadpool’s co-creator - Rob Liefeld was able to find a few clues - a sign of a key discovery.
The answer is the Muramasa Blade - one that’s able to sever a target on the molecular level. The blade itself is made from a specific ingredient ( Wolverine’s distilled rage - an element that makes the sword incredibly powerful), but there is an opportunity to make a very important distinction - with this specific weapon and its unique properties. The blade has a very special purpose - its one of the most effective weapons to kill.
During a fight with Deadpool - a key moment where Deadpool is trying to protect his family from harm ( his daughters, Ellie and Princess). He made the mistake of facing Death Grip. With the ability to use slashing magic to kill, the villain took his chance, the result is Deadpool’s death. He now faces his demise. His last words – repeated “Ellie” as he lay there, facing his final moment ( a sign that the hero’s family is a key element to the storyline and it will be part of the narrative that fans will be looking for). It gives a whole new meaning to those shows that make for a popular choice, because they’re able to create moments, such as that last scene.
How Is a New Deadpool Taking Over?
That means there will be a new Deadpool, that has replaced the hero - Wade Wilson - who was a well-known Merc with a Mouth, a character that was very popular (that is how many people viewed the show, as they follow the show and seek out new shows). It's an opportunity to make a very unique series , there will be some key changes.
The new Deadpool - a character that’s very different from her father, Eleanor (Ellie) Camacho. As a strong, independent woman. She has a passion to follow in the footsteps, of her father, as she inherits those talents ( those talents include her own healing powers that will be useful to heal any injuries) those skills will be essential as she’s got some new challenges that she will have to face (challenges that come with the territory, she has a few limitations as it's not the same for her, the hero). And now she’s able to use that opportunity to give those viewers a unique perspective on what this could look like.
How Is the New Deadpool Different from Wade Wilson?
For fans of Deadpool - the original hero, they might be thinking that, it can’t be the same without his signature antics. It’s true that the new Deadpool is a little more different - – and those who are familiar with Deadpool's ability to break the fourth wall. They might be disappointed. They’ll see that she has taken on some key elements - of her father’s personality, those are some of the things. Fans of the show are now, keen on, watching how this is going to develop (this new story as it develops will show what could come out), as it’s an exciting new direction - but for some that is where those differences lie - that makes it more difficult.
Why Is the New Deadpool Not Quite the Same?
The new Deadpool, Ellie - she’s a younger character, and those fans will find, some key elements - such as those skills that she's learning. There will be a need for her to develop her powers (as they develop). That also means she has a different perspective, to handle. There's a major difference ( those viewers are very familiar with the hero) it’s one of the things. And now - fans will be waiting to see if she is going to become an equally, talented fighter - how the new Deadpool is going to move forward (there is a chance for this to work - its a fresh perspective. They might even feel a little differently). As the show develops.
The New Deadpool Has More Than One Ally
A new hero needs to bring some of their own traits, such as their relationships that they have formed. It’s part of what makes a show unique, and it can help to bring those characters together, especially with the hero's ability to collaborate ( in that case - her dad was a Mercenary. And those who have followed the show, will know how he's made some connections, in terms of allies.) It means she has someone that will help to guide her.
Ellie’s partner - Taskmaster ( someone that has been working with her, for some time, they are part of a relationship - that will provide support), a highly respected (someone that’s known in the Marvel universe, that has made his mark) individual in the world of combat and will continue to have a significant role. They've also been working together as a team ( to help them develop). It’s an important component to the storyline ( to bring a little bit more drama), the shows are going to include.
And there's one more difference in this show ( that will set the stage for what’s coming up next). Deadpool has always enjoyed breaking the fourth wall. In this latest issue - there will be an effort to make some significant changes - it could have a very different perspective (its not the same, for the audience who are following that storyline). As we move forward with this new storyline. It will be an adventure, full of thrilling moments.
Deadpool, an antihero, is one of those characters – a hero who is popular for his abilities, and also the ways in which he interacts with his environment. There’s an unique energy – and it is part of what makes him popular. Fans of the show - it makes a key component, a key character - for a popular series to continue to run for so many years (there’s a reason why those fans keep coming back).
Why Is This Death Not the End?
In conclusion, we can’t assume that Deadpool's latest, obstacle will bring his career to a stop (because it’s part of what makes a story, and those heroes that are popular). A show that is known for a great deal of entertainment and will have many more opportunities to show. Its creative director has some unique ideas (to take things in a different direction. Those characters – Wade, Ellie and Princess. Those who are following, are waiting to see - it will be exciting) - the series, is not finished.