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X-Men #5: Kid Omega and Psylocke - Unstoppable Psychic Power

The X-Men are some of the most loved heroes, even making their way into some truly incredible and epic comic runs that keep fans guessing! And when Cyclops decided to add both Kid Omega and Psylocke to his team, fans were confused at first. These characters have something really powerful together.

A Unique Team

Even if it might seem weird to have these two on the same team. You'll see how these psychic masters combine forces in the newest edition, X-Men #5!

It starts out when these two go into Ben Liu's mind while he's in a coma to try and understand how he uses his mutant powers and figure out how he woke up.

It looks like they might run into a super dark opponent while inside Ben Liu's mind! And as you could imagine they ran into Cassandra Nova, a foe they hadn't anticipated, and a scary situation!.

Also Read: New Cyclops is Here! Marvel's Ultimate X-Men Gets a Big Twist

How Do These Characters Complement Each Other?

Comic book page: Psylocke and Kid Omega break Cassandra Nova's trap. Image

These two have a different mix of strengths!

  • Quentin Quire, a character that is full of confidence and power, takes on the iconic Kid Omega persona! A true Omega-level telepath. He is a huge force that cannot be denied. He has this super resilience as well!
  • Psylocke is truly one of a kind. A skilled assassin! Her talents, though, are based in psychic skills. And she is always working to be a better warrior!

What these two did, that really gave Cyclops a winning team, is something you won't find in any other team! The two really came together in an intense and difficult spot and discovered just how powerful they could be.

Also Read: Psylocke Series: Kwannon's Story as a Psychic Ninja Assassin

A Powerful Force:

Comic book pageL Psylocke and Quentin Quire squabble while walking through their headquarters. Image

While it may have looked odd. When you consider Kid Omega's ability to make the world around him just melt into his power as well as his insane willpower and you mix it with Psylocke's intensity and mastery of combat skills and these psychic forces they really make a winning team, so it seems Cyclops was super brilliant!

They went through a ton, the two psychic masterminds! The experience really tested these two! They were really challenged. Kid Omega discovered that they had to team up or nothing would work! Even if they went through a really dark time, that gave them a way to overcome obstacles they had never imagined!

Also Read: Wolverine & Cyclops: Is This Mutant Power Swap a Scary Thing?!

Unique Talents:

Uncanny X-Men line up including Wolverine, Colossus, Phoenix, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Storm, and Banshee Image

Even if it doesn't seem like these two should get along. Their powers look like a mix, a power that even those "Omega-level telepaths" don't have.

  • Kid Omega has that power to overcome, like no one else in the X-Men and possibly, on Earth!
  • They may have even put him through a tough situation, his amazing abilities help make him resilient which includes surviving, many deaths! But he doesn't let this slow him down!
  • His powers are enormous! Kid Omega has no problem tackling multiple psychic opponents! His biggest feats include a mind battle with Phoenix Fire. In this mind clash he outsmarts a legendary figure.

And if you think he's going to slow down! Nope. There's nothing this amazing character cannot conquer!

Psylocke, on the other hand, really shows how special her training is! Her powers are awesome and have great control as well.

She knows what a challenge really is and her experiences, have really hardened her ability to push forward and her talent is unmatched in the world.

Also Read: Wolverine and Rogue: Will Their Relationship Crack in Uncanny X-Men?

Psychic Power

Comic book cover: Psylocke and Kid Omega in front of a giant eye. Image

To put it all together: This dynamic duo could very well become one of the most respected psychic pairings. If you look at other pairs you will realize just what makes this one so incredible! Fans may notice some similarities between Jean Grey and Emma Frost. These pairings also had some awesome mental skills and their powers, if they are truly united and make it their goal to defeat some incredible opponents.

And let's not forget about their true adversary, the terrifying figure "Cassandra Nova." Fans of the comics may recall what happened before with this dangerous figure, so the X-Men will have to be a really powerful and decisive team. "from the ashes" has brought forth new characters who seem to really change up the story! And their impact may give the series even more life! It will be awesome!

There are all kinds of cool things, and just one element of "X-Men", to keep an eye out for! These new titles will have lots to give. That is, for fans who love Uncanny X-Men. If that isn't enough Exceptional X-Men and even NYX! If these titles are getting you really excited you will want to see X-Men #5.

The new pair of characters in this awesome show looks like an epic, new beginning, giving these heroes new levels of power.

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