Movies News Talk

Tiger God: Marvel Reveals Origin of Phoenix Force-Level Deity

Marvel's Tiger God: The Source of a Deity Level Phoenix

Marvel fans, hang onto your hats; a cosmic entity just underwent a significant make-over! The Tiger God has prowled the Marvel Universe's shadows for almost half a century, a strong being equal to the Phoenix Force. And now, in Doctor Strange #17, we at last learn the lowdown on its beginnings.

The tale of the Tiger God rides wild. All of it begins with those early people—that is, the cavemen. They really were terrified of the dark. So terrified, in fact, that their anxiety showed up as tigers—the most terrible predators. These tigers would stalk them at night; that fear, that primordial terror, was so strong that it produced the Tiger God personally! Discuss a spooky starting narrative.

The amazing Bats The Ghost Dog, a hitherto unexpected source of cosmic knowledge, reveals this tale. First mentioned in 1975, the Tiger God did not really show up until 2012. Described as a terrifying creature, it represents mankind's ingrained dread of the dark.

To the yang of the Phoenix Force, the Tiger God is the yin. The Tiger God reflects pure darkness while the Phoenix is a lighthouse. This makes them possibly strong competitors; a conflict between them could have significant effects on the Marvel Universe.

Might the Tiger God represent a fresh danger for the Phoenix?

Marvel chose this point to bring back the Tiger God; Jean Grey and the Phoenix Force are scheduled to take front stage in an upcoming series, thus it is not random. We're just waiting for the other shoe to drop, like arranging a cosmic clash.

The dynamic roster of cosmic beings that the Marvel Universe has always had is thrown off by the Tiger God's arrival. It reminds us that even the most strong entities have counterparts and that fresh dangers hide in the shadows.

Prepare then for an ages-old cosmic struggle. About to acquire a fresh challenger, the Phoenix Force will have one equally strong and deadly opponent.

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