Movies News Talk

Marvel Fixes Spider-Man's Black Suit Origin Story Plot Hole!

Marvel Finally Fixes That HUGE Venom Origin Plot Hole After 40 Years!

Spider-Man's Black Suit: A Classic Look With a Confusing Origin

Spider-Man's Black Suit is legendary. One of those iconic moments, its arrival in the comics is iconic; even deeply impactful! But there's a glaring issue which never got resolved! How exactly did Spider-Man even get that alien Symbiote?  It makes little sense why that dangerous alien lifeform would be sitting right next to a clothing fabricator. This question haunted fans for nearly 40 years!

But guess what?    Marvel finally solves this insane long-standing mystery!  Spider-Man: Black Suit & Blood #3 (written by Al Ewing, art by Juann Cabal) gives answers in the form of Master Blood, that villain who stumbles across a secured area.  And now Master Blood notices something about this clothing fabricator which makes a perfectly believable and completely new and valid rationale which could have easily been incorporated earlier and makes the prior lack of knowledge about what really mattered at those specific earlier moments.

Also Read: Black Suit & Blood Brings Back Symbiote Era's Darkness: Spider-Man

The Secret of the Fabricator: It Wasn't for Costume Changes

Master Blood Discovers What The Clothes Fabricator Is Really For Image

Secret War was gigantic– this insane showdown involving the universe’s most powerful heroes and villains (orchestrated by the Beyonder). So lots of costumes got wrecked; creating the previous notion: that clothing fabricator was created because these costumes were often broken after each and every battle that occurred during that particular conflict! Yet everyone; writers, readers, and even Spider-Man himself misunderstood its function, showcasing those issues regarding how seemingly innocent assumptions from decades ago negatively impacted an entire major arc!

The assumption regarding how exactly that costume was being generated made perfect sense–a suit nearby implies the suit’s origins came directly from that source. And Spider-Man had the exact same mistaken idea; picking up the symbiote believing it was simply from that fabricator alone. This entire issue however involved a critical flaw – this seemingly minor aspect was a totally different mechanism that existed which remained undisclosed in many previously released titles. This fabricator creates containment suits for people researching the symbiote itself; showcasing how small seemingly insignificant plot decisions in an older timeline might ultimately matter, even more now given current revisions of those older plots!

Also Read: Black Suit & Blood Returns for Symbiote Era's Darkness: Spider-Man.

How One Little Mistake Gave Spider-Man One of His Most Iconic Looks

Comic book art: The King in Black (left, background) with black suit Spider-Man (right, foreground.) Image

This clothing fabricator being totally separate, creates a whole different explanation; This makes it completely plausible which provides many valid and obvious benefits in its newly-assigned functions! And given that many later explanations needed far more creative freedom than was previously considered– this now-newly resolved issue opens far greater opportunities that never would’ve existed if this fact about its previously overlooked capabilities remained undisclosed.

There was zero possibility for this explanation decades ago– once the symbiote's living nature emerged, the prior explanation (a costume near the fabricator) never made sense again. Yet there's no prior opportunity available for doing so; as the planet had this fabricated space, creating limited timeframes for any retcon which made any previous revisions seemingly impossible until recently. Now, this decades-old plot issue—thanks to Marvel—gets solved, providing another instance of marvel successfully fixing some long-awaited minor plotting issues!

Also Read: Venom Horse: Marvel's New Symbiote Beast is a Game-Changer

Conclusion: A Long-Awaited Fix to a Classic Comic Conundrum!

Venom Spider-Man in Secret Wars fan art Image

The resolution shows Marvel's attention to its lore! A clever bit of retconning fixing a previously perplexing question in Spider-Man's story! The whole idea makes the previous plot mistake appear almost entirely inconsequential compared to its new iteration, providing yet more narrative weight for fans of those comics; this alone is remarkable considering those challenges posed through updating old elements from decades ago. And this minor retcon now opens new narrative avenues; demonstrating that even the most obscure detail, may affect storytelling later and make those prior failures in world-building far less concerning!

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