Is Donald Duck Now Thor?

Hold on to your hats, because this is going to be a wild one. Donald Duck, the iconic Disney character is now officially taking on a brand new superhero role in a new Marvel comic! Yes, we're talking about Thor, complete with the magical hammer, Mjolnir! This was all part of his 90th birthday bash - and it is something truly out of left field, for those die-hard comic book fans!

Did Wonder Woman Beat Donald Duck To It?

Actually, yeah. This happened a few years ago in an awesome DC vs. Marvel crossover. They teamed up a bunch of heroes to face off against each other in some pretty awesome action scenes. In issue #2, Wonder Woman actually found Thor's hammer, Mjolnir! She proved to be worthy of lifting the mighty hammer! She almost went on to defeat Storm but passed on using it - she did it because of that special sense of fairness, but yeah, she proved that DC vs. Marvel heroes can cross over and change everything in a story!

How Will This Work With Donald Duck?

  • Donald Duck? Yep. It's in the "What If...?" series that is showing up with that cool cover with Donald sporting that cape! We get to see what happens in the Disney Marvel comic as he takes on Donald Blake's place as a super-strong God!
  • Get ready, because in the story he will pick up Mjolnir and become Donald Duck Mighty Thor! You'll have to look at the artwork - it's pretty wild!

Is This The Only Superhero Donald Has Played?

  • This is the second Marvel crossover. Earlier in the year, they actually had a "What If...? Donald Duck Became Wolverine" story in a different comic. That story gave us an interesting, albeit unexpected look at how Donald would look like if he went through the same crazy Weapon X experience. That just goes to show how fun crossovers can be. This seems like an interesting idea!
  • If you know your Disney comics, you know he has had his own superhero stint in the Duck Avengers! This all is a part of that whole Marvel Disney partnership to create amazing stories - not a bad combo.

Will This Be A Part Of The Main Marvel Comics?

  • The new Donald Duck Thor comic was super well-received and has lots of awesome covers with the big heroes from both Disney and Marvel Comics.
  • We know this whole crossover idea is about having a ton of fun with iconic characters - kind of like a "What If...?" situation where we ask that crazy question about what would happen if these awesome characters switch places!

So if you like Donald Duck, Marvel and those fun, alternate reality stories - you will totally love this whole crossover story - what if a Disney comic book had to create an unexpected new adventure?

Now get ready to witness all the crazy stuff! Who's going to pick up that Mjolnir? Maybe someone else?! Wonder Woman already did it!