Younger, is a television show that has blended the genres of comedy and drama which has a very unique take on professional and personal issues with memorable characters. With 7 seasons it had a journey across different channels including streaming and traditional. Recently due to it's success the entire series can be found on Netflix.
The show follows Liza Miller a recent divorcee trying to make her way in the publishing world after being away from working life for many years. She starts to pretend to be 26 years old when it became clear that ageism is prevalent in professional careers. Her web of lies and how they evolve became a point of engagement for many audiences.
Liza as a protagonist is played by Sutton Foster. She shows both the determination to regain her career life as well as the many emotional challenges of having to keep a major part of who she was from everyone she was encountering during this new time of life.
The show initially aired on TV Land and made a shift to Paramount+ and Hulu during season 7. With the merging of production companies this may have created the major channel shift before ending. It did air on TV Land after the streaming episodes for a more traditional view for long term fans. As a result this made new viewers find it again.
All seasons have now become available on Netflix with a spike in trending viewership. The accessibility made for new interest and also brought many viewers to discuss their favorite moments and scenes as a community. The popularity created discussion among fans wanting a future that could continue the legacy created by this show.
Despite the show's popularity it was not officially canceled . Creator Darren Star planned on ending the series with its 7th season. All details lead to that as many cast members were moving onto new ventures and that it made the most sense for the character development given the storyline of lying about her age.
The show runner shifted focus to Emily In Paris a popular Netflix series and multiple lead actors had also signed onto new projects as their future careers. A new spin off was also considered but was also never put into place to make it a potential for more seasons and options were only spoken of, and a movie may still be an idea. As such it seems to just be a matter of many factors which were at play creating the ending of the 7 seasons of Younger
“Younger” uses both a blend of workplace comedy and a drama of love and betrayal as a central theme in all plot lines. Characters make their ways through professional and personal lives all of which becomes layered as the seasons continue and secrets begin to unravel.
the series core point is the main character’s lie about her age which tests relationships and also ethics. However, despite being a central focus, this is not what the entire series is based on with a move to other ideas and focuses through out all seven seasons.
The shows also focus's on the relationships made in the high-fashion city of New York all the while bringing together an engaging plot and relatable personalities. Her friendship with Kelsey the relationship with Josh or the tension created between her and her boss makes for interesting dynamics that explore many viewpoints of what love and life is about.
There were plans for a spin-off centered on Hillary Duff's character, Kelsey but that never fully developed. The discussions of a reunion continue and show potential for another iteration as time goes on. The conversation about possibly a movie has taken traction in social media making some think it could return in the near future. The discussion with many key members is the central part that drives that hope that the universe will push this series forward for continued viewership.
Both creators and members of the show's cast have openly talked about the future that Younger could have through conversations online and their desire to see it make a come back in one form or another. However many viewers remain hopeful and the popularity on Netflix has given it a chance for possibly more consideration.
The core cast of "Younger" became beloved with characters that resonated through both individual views of career paths as well as relationship styles. These became a large draw for keeping audiences attached to the storyline and each characters role.
Sutton Foster played a memorable lead along with Hilary Duff, Debi Mazar, Miriam Shor, Nico Tortorella and many others that have made appearances. Each actor in their roles brought unique dynamic to create a compelling plot that has gained much attention throughout the series. These various elements that come together have had a notable effect on the show itself.
The show draws a likeness to style of "Sex In the City" using unique fashion choices through characters to convey tone, personality, message, while also representing an idea of life that can draw in viewers who want a glimpse into that lifestyle and culture. Designer Patricia Field contributed to both Sex in the City and Younger making these two feel very connected visually in wardrobe.