Will Trent is a police procedural series airing on ABC based off the popular book series. The show is known for compelling storylines, an intense lead character with a troubled past and a team of characters to both assist and challenge him throughout his work life.
The third season of "Will Trent" began airing on January 14 2025 on ABC and is available to stream on Hulu the day following. New faces appear for this season to shake up the show. As each new plot line appears the overall intensity in tone of this crime show adds value for viewers that appreciate a well built out series.
Key actors who have been there since the pilot include Ramon Rodriquez as Will Trent, Erika Christensen as Angie Polaski and Sonja Sohn as Amanda Wagner to mention a few. The familiar faces all show more character building during the most recent season while continuing a unique set of challenges in the ongoing storyline.
This new season sees an addition of two characters; Kyrie McAlpin will portray Sunny a young girl in the care of Deputy Director of the GBI and Scott Foley enters in a recurring role as Dr. Seth McDale. Both additions will create new story lines which have new types of interactions with previously established characters.
Ramon Rodriquez plays the main role as Will Trent who is known for his impeccable record as a GBI agent despite a troubled past in foster care. He uses this knowledge and approach to give a special way of finding clues that many wouldn't normally observe. He often does things in his own way because of past issues.
His past is not all that is defining him as in the most current season Will decided to flee his job and live quietly in Tennessee after he arrested his love interest Angie. With much internal conflict the season will show him trying to regain his life by facing all that he left behind. With all the success he had his personal connections and feelings became secondary which may have a lasting impact.
"Will Trent" explores different forms of relationships that go on within and outside of his work space and also impact the path of different stories. His relationship with Angie is in question after she was arrested but a new interest develops throughout season three. Will's relationship with partner Faith is strained by the choices that he made when he abandoned all communication to everyone around him. These all show different dynamics among characters and also demonstrate some real world challenges that may surface throughout a close team.
Erika Christensen is the actress who plays Angie in Will Trent as an officer working within the APD. At the end of last season Will's job was forced to impact their love by causing his personal life to fall into his work line causing all characters to make new adjustments. After leaving at the end of the last season Angie finds a new interest in Dr. Seth McDale as Will returns after disappearing. It has become a dynamic of both professional and personal relations which can cause some issues.
Iantha Richardson is playing Faith in Will Trent as his partner at the GBI. She was angry about Will leaving without notice and having to take on another partner. Through out the series she and Will must rebuild that trust and learn to become partners again, as it was mentioned previously, there was a change when he took leave and left everything unsaid with his close associates.
Season 3 added new recurring faces which create a fresh view on established characters while bringing in their own stories to be explored. Adding recurring roles help expand the shows universe allowing for new themes to emerge.
Scott Foley comes into the role of Seth a kind hearted man that is head of emergency medicine with a potential to connect on a deeper level with Angie Polaski adding some complexity in previously known relationships and loyalties.
Kyrie joins the show as a character who will bring new depths as it explores a perspective through that of a child that experiences a great change. The plot surrounding this new character will take on family as her father finds a path that puts her in the care of Deputy Director Amanda Wagner and this brings up past issues as they all learn how their lives are to be intertwined.