A Court of Thorns and Roses: Will Elain's POV Ruin Lucien?

Elain Archeron's Book: A Potential Disaster for Lucien Vanserra?

Sarah J. Maas's A Court of Thorns and Roses series is seriously popular; however some recurring complaints exist from longtime readers and those comments frequently relate to how characters like Lucien are portrayed throughout those books! While fans often call out forLucien Vanserra'sandElain Archeron'sstories to gain a more prominent role, the upcoming sixth book, potentially narrated fromElain'sPOV, might actually worsen a big fan issue! We all loveLucien, but a biasednarrative could leave this sympathetic character seriously misrepresented.

BothLucienandElainare primarily side characters through much of the books. But it appears they are slated for bigger roles! And given the potential for a sixthbook focusing onElain'sperspective and experience. A key point is Elain’s relationship with Lucien which adds tension! Their past encounter remains complicated and deeply rooted with resentment; we will likely experienceLucien'sstory throughElain’slens, that already complicated relationship from the past will probably mean we won't get an objective look.

Lucien's Past and His Unlikely Future

Lucienhas suffered. Exiled, a beloved lover lost—he definitely won lots of sympathy. Yet that friendship withTamlinafterA Court of Wings and Ruinhurt his reputation. That impactedLucien'simage negatively, folks. And there are further worries; it's about howLucienwill possibly be seen, throughElain’seyes, even more complicating things, which introduces further concerns. A potential romance between these two now hangs in the balance. What might the authordo?

This is a massive challenge: How do you tellLucien'sstory from someone who barely knows him? Feyre’sPOV showedLucienas kind, brave, honest, and truly deserving of love; it's unlikely these aspects will ever surface effectively in Elain's perspective! This is extremely significant,especially because Elain doesn't really fully know Lucien yet; Their unlikely partnership involves very intense romantic feelings and potential outcomes! Those kinds of complications make it challenging!

Elain’s Resentment: A Complicated History!

Elain’sintroduction into the fae world? Totally traumatic. A really intense sequence of events led to Elain completely losing her prior life! Yet even in these times of incredible stress, immense loss and hardship– she finds out Lucien; her captor, is also her mate! The term"mate," evokes such negativity within Elain's mindset– that terrible memory remains inextricably bound to the pain; thus triggering these intensely powerful negative feelings; these deeply set, emotionally charged experiences become a significant complication, making objective writing difficult.This situation, their unlikely romantic prospects, mean Elain'sPOV is almost guaranteed to be very mixed regarding Lucien. It is unlikely to ever showcase an impartial perspective for some time!

This adds tension between them and the writer is unlikely to ever present an objective viewpoint! This further adds complications regarding their relationship's uncertain future and possibilities; this creates both those emotional barriers, as well as creative ones for those wanting that ideal pairing of Lucien and Elain, for better romantic representation!

Lucien: Underrated and Overlooked

Luciendeserves better! This kind-hearted guy, often sidelined, is in dire need of attention fromMaas, from his "Band of Exiles," even those people he called his friends and allies. All sent him on difficult tasks and he’s truly never had his deserved time in the spotlight. If Elain is that POV choice; and considering that difficult history between them. The author will surely lack an objective eye. Getting inside Lucien’s head from a viewpoint who didn't quite grasp his actual person creates that massive disconnect.

Conclusion: A Risky Choice (Unless it’s Delicately Handled!)

Elain’sbook and Lucien'sstory fromElain'seyes–that might create disaster. However; given the incredibly high level of creativity thatMaasalready demonstrated – and if handled with a delicate touch; this really could make something powerful, by creating truly complicated feelings between two unlikely allies. Yet, we could get those same initial flaws unless great care is exercised!