Pete Ross's Departure from Smallville
Pete Ross was a popular character in the early seasons of Smallville, portrayed by Sam Jones III. He was Clark Kent's close friend and was pulled directly from the Superboy comic books. His journey of discovering Clark's secret as Superman was just beginning, and it seemed like there was much more to explore with his character.
Unfortunately, Smallville underwent several casting changes, including the departure of Laura Vandervoort after just one season. The showrunners continuously adjusted the series, bringing in new characters and removing others. Pete Ross, unfortunately, fell victim to these changes.
Reasons for Pete Ross's Exit
Smallville season 4 brought significant changes, including the addition of Jensen Ackles as an antagonist and Erica Durance as Lois Lane. These additions meant the show needed to make sacrifices, and Pete Ross didn't fit into the new story plans.
Sam Jones III stated that the showrunners struggled to find a place for his character amid the story changes. They felt that Pete knowing Clark's secret was too much pressure for the character. Writing him off also avoided the complications of his knowledge of Superman's secret identity.
Sam Jones III's Departure
Sam Jones III was informed of his dismissal from Smallville shortly before a convention appearance and was told to keep it a secret. He was asked to avoid mentioning his departure to fans. He found this difficult, especially as he considered the cast and crew like family. He described his sudden exit as "really heartbreaking."
This experience was particularly difficult for Jones, who was early in his career. He felt betrayed by the show's "family" atmosphere and the suddenness of his departure.
Pete Ross's Return in Season 7
Sam Jones III returned to Smallville several seasons later. However, many fans felt that Pete's reappearance in season 7 was disappointing and ruined his character. He was now a roadie with the ability to stretch his body due to kryptonite bubble gum.
Pete's quick character arc within this episode left him unchanged from his original state: a normal, powerless man struggling with the implications of Clark's secret. This episode felt like a departure from the character's previous development and resembled a disposable monster-of-the-week storyline.
The Missed Potential of Pete Ross
Pete Ross's initial story in Smallville was cut short, leaving viewers wondering what could have been. His return could have been used to provide closure for his character, but instead, he was written as a jealous character in a less-than-memorable episode.
The episode lacked the authenticity of Pete Ross's development in the first three seasons. His potential in the series was never fully realized, leaving a sense of what-if questions surrounding his arc.