Wheel of Fortune is a beloved television game show. This game has gained attention with recent episodes that provide examples of all types of exciting events with funny moments and big winning scores.
One of the recent episodes had multiple components such as a comeback by player Frank Mantesana. In this episode there were many noteworthy moments including a funny incorrect guess from another player Ada Vega and a very fast Rubik's cube solution from Mantesana’s son Braden.
Contestant Ada Vega mistakenly guessed "A case of the munchies" which got the audience laughing, while the puzzle was actually “A Case of The Mondays”. This shows a lighthearted and humorous side of the show.
After starting off slow in the episode, Mantesana got an advantage and made a comeback with an impressive lead using $6,000 letters in the Speed Up round and solved the puzzle "World Atlas." He carried this momentum and successfully solved the final Bonus Round and ended the game with $65,850. This is noted to be from both intense planning and also elements of luck.
Geoffrey Smith won a past episode due to his problem solving skills with word puzzles and a “blurt it out” moment. Before winning he mentions he had seen the show as a child on a black and white TV while growing up. He used great knowledge of puzzles which led him to success that day while inspiring all those watching at home.
Jason Miner a previous winner who watched the show since childhood noted how the puzzles were more complex in the show compared to home. He also prepared for the competition using word suffixes and prefixes. His experience also gave an idea that luck played a part as well as solving strategies.
Frank's son, Braden, had a Rubik's Cube talent where he solved it in 28 seconds live on the show which is faster than the regular 30 second time slot, This was both surprising and entertaining showcasing unique and unexpected elements throughout the broadcast.
The show allows home viewers a fun method of engagement by creating a communal space where they solve puzzles at home and compare their problem solving skills with the contestants on the television screen.
The shows connection to community engagement creates fun ways to share experiences at home among family members and friends by trying to figure out the answer from home during commercial breaks. Also seeing that it reaches viewers young and old across all demographics demonstrates this show is truly reaching the masses.
Wheel of Fortune has been known for a variety of formats. Such as giving chances at winning 1 million dollar wedges. They are constantly adding a wide variety of new games for viewers to get used to as well as maintaining original aspects as the show has been developed and fine tuned over decades.
Many that have had a connection to the show include former contestants who have gone on to be champions who have given words to show their appreciation of being part of the program. That feeling of connection showcases its longevity, reach, impact on viewers and overall entertainment throughout time.