Elliot Page portrays Viktor Hargreeves, the most formidable member of the Umbrella Academy, a group of adopted brothers possessing special abilities. The show follows the Hargreeves as they attempt to avert the end of the world and is based on the comic novels written by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. Even though the siblings are all gifted, Viktor's skills are especially strong and intricate.
Sound manipulation, which Viktor transforms into energy and physical force, is his superpower. Because of this, he has better hearing and can hear sounds even at a vast distance. He has the ability to capture sound, transform it into energy, and project it from his body as force ripples or dazzling white energy. Viktor channeled this energy into his violin in season 1, which improved the accuracy of his attacks. His skin becomes pale and his irises turn white when he uses his skills, giving him the nickname "The White Violin."
Beyond sound manipulation, Viktor is a powerful force. In addition to using his ability to control soundwaves to move and manipulate items like telekinesis, he can fly and construct force fields to protect himself and others. Additionally, he has some weather manipulation skills. Interestingly, there is a strong emotional connection between his powers and feelings. Emotionally charged chaos makes his powers stronger and possibly uncontrollable.
Viktor had trouble keeping his powers under control in seasons one and two. Season 2 saw him reunite with them following amnesia, adding to the turmoil that had begun with the emergence of his skills in season 1. Eventually, he connected with a little boy named Harlan and gave him his powers. But Harlan was unable to control the electricity, which resulted in yet another near-catastrophe. Season 3 saw Harlan effectively return Viktor's talents, allowing him to finally control his abilities.
The eccentric wealthy scientist Reginald Hargreeves, who adopted the members of the Umbrella Academy, was aware of Viktor's extraordinary strength and how it related to his feelings. He suppressed Viktor's skills because he thought this power would be too damaging. Throughout Viktor's early years, he drugged him to control his emotions and abilities. Additionally, he persuaded Allison, a fellow student at Umbrella Academy, to use her abilities to trick Viktor into thinking he was just like everyone else. Though intended to safeguard the world, these measures ultimately exacerbated the emotional instability that precipitated Viktor's uncontrollably strong talents.
Vanya, Viktor's equivalent in the comic books, is a woman who goes by she/her. In the comics, Reginald inhibited Vanya's powers as well, with identical results. After Vanya discovered the truth about her abilities, they drove her insane, turning her into the White Violin and bringing about the end of the world. In "Hotel Oblivion," Vanya receives therapy and takes charge of a new team, in contrast to the "Dallas" plot, which leaves her amnesiac and couch-bound. In the comics, Vanya used music as a conduit for her abilities. She could send out devastating waves with only one note on her violin.
The Umbrella Academy on Netflix features a Viktor character that is very different from the one in the comic books. He has a more nuanced personality and a complicated relationship with his family and powers. The television series delves deeper into Viktor's quest for self-awareness and control, even though the character has the capacity for immense power and destruction in both forms.