The Scooby-Doo franchise is known for its kid-friendly adventures, but Max brought a mature, and controversial spinoff series called Velma! Created by Charlie Grandy, it gives viewers a totally different view on Velma Dinkley's early days. This series was such a hit that it even had a second season, making Max fans so curious if a third season will get the green light.
There was some big news around October 2024 that many fans have been excited for but disappointed at the same time!
Unfortunately, many sources now point to Velma being canceled, a shock for fans as it has gained such popularity.
There is nothing official from Max regarding if Velma will be renewed. But a background painter on the crew even said it was canceled and that "there will not be a season 3." This really got fans pumped, though it's unclear how that news came about.
There is hope still. Max might decide to wait until after Halloween (or to coincide with the release of their Halloween special that came out October 3, 2024) so they could get some interest. Also, considering how successful the Halloween specials have been for many television shows! It does leave one curious to find out why Max decided not to immediately comment.
It was kind of a big deal that Velma was renewed for Season 2! That only came around a month after Season 1. But its viewership wasn't all good.
A lot of what happened seemed a matter of timing and interest in a totally unexpected series. There's also a need for good reviews! However, it didn't get amazing scores.
So it does seem to have issues regarding whether a third season will make it. On the other hand, Scooby-Doo is still big in this universe. Its a long-lasting brand so they have a unique perspective for success.
One of the positive points was the casting in Velma and even those who didn't like it had some praise. For those who missed Season 1 there were several familiar voices
Even the second season brought back everyone! And as fans eagerly await to learn more about if Season 3 gets made! Many expect to see this entire cast again. There were several guest stars but its unclear just who Max would want.
There was a lot of suspenseful drama for those that were caught up in the world of Velma and even though nothing is completely clear, there is hope!
If it comes back, Season 3 might build upon how Velma almost lost her life as her "soul" escaped from her body! It ends with a dark tone where we don't quite see Velma completely.
That wasn't the end though.
For "Velma,"'s Halloween special, that had a shocking cliffhanger, she escaped hell, or seemingly so, which gave everyone a big question mark as the show looks to create more excitement with that type of ambiguous ending that keeps fans wanting more! This seems like a truly outrageous end and might also show us that there's something more than the "Scooby-Doo" universe might be willing to accept!
So while we may never know, the entire story seems set for an action packed ending that makes "Velma one of the best adult animated shows on the air. Fans are left hanging for those big questions. For now, there is a real lack of clarity on what's coming next! There's not many signs of if Max might be interested! However, what may come clear down the road, are the actual reviews and if they create any real lasting impression for the masses.