Disney+ is adding an animated series called Tiana, which acts as a follow-up to The Princess and the Frog, a well-loved movie with a New Orleans theme. Here's all that's known about Tiana and this new show!
Tiana release date is a popular topic! However, we don't have a date confirmed for the release. While there was buzz that it could be out by 2024, Disney hasn't revealed specific details on the Tiana animated series, but fans are waiting with bated breath.
Tiana Disney+ brings the beloved character into the present! With Tiana characters such as Naveen and those known from the movie set to return! It picks up with Tiana after she opened her restaurant and even had a whirlwind romance with a frog-prince! The Tiana story seems to shift to Maldonia as Tiana faces a brand-new journey of leadership.
The new Princess and the Frog series has a lot of twists in store. Even with all those who are nostalgic for The Princess and the Frog sequel, there won't be a repeat of the events of the movie, with an interesting story arc set to play out, especially regarding Tiana, and even perhaps including another Tiana episode with more magic!
While a full list hasn't been released, the Tiana cast includes:
Anika Noni Rose has been confirmed as the voice actor for Tiana in this new animated series. It seems likely that several other Tiana voice actors could be included! There is some buzz that a few members of the cast will return. But as new information gets released, it is likely we'll be seeing a whole list of talented voice actors as the production develops!
There are many places where you're sure to find some incredible Tiana updates and even Tiana news as it comes out! Make sure to visit online news sites or even social media, which are also likely to have posts regarding the release of the show.
While you're probably hoping to see Tiana trailer, the release of any preview, teasers, or promotional material hasn't happened yet. Check back periodically and you are sure to find Tiana trailers in places like YouTube, news websites, or on Disney+'s social media.