The Vampire Diaries is an iconic, highly beloved fantasy television show, a show about love triangles, vampires, and those incredible special effects, but fans who have followed the show since the very first episode back in 2009. Fans also remember when this highly praised series came to a close!
What started in 2009 became a long-lasting series, as fans loved The Vampire Diaries! It wasn't an easy road. Those behind the show really went to great lengths to give fans something incredibly compelling!
They really took a wild ride, and viewers saw Damon and Stefan Salvatore and what really set these brothers apart. And then Elena Gilbert came into the mix.
Those of you that have been "The Vampire Diaries" fans for years have known the key characters who really captivated and hooked audiences, Nina Dobrev played a critical part of that big storyline and had such a pivotal role, and the love triangle was something that couldn't be missed.
It may not have gone as those who were following "The Vampire Diaries" were hoping for! They took a risky move. The ending had Stefan, giving up his life, saving the town!
Now get this, The finale, "The Vampire Diaries" was about a whole lot more than saving a town. It had to be about saving his brother "Damon." As we got to watch the end! The ending was not just tragic but an important way of recognizing these heroes and the sacrifice that Stefan made to give his brother a better life!
But fans who have watched the series for years might think they should have kept this one of "The Vampire Diaries" creators, Plec and Williamson original plans. What makes this so wild is that they made plans as far back as Season 2! This really showcases their original vision for this super epic show.
What really happened? The creators had the desire to take things to a super tragic conclusion with the characters and Elena Gilbert would live a long and full life!
They ended up changing the ending!
With Dobrev stepping away from the series it is very apparent how crucial she was to the show. You may even hear Plec, one of "The Vampire Diaries", writers talking about just how special this relationship became!
You see the story really revolved around that incredible, love triangle that kept everyone captivated! The change gave this storyline a special and amazing shift, it even gave an even deeper connection between "Damon" and "Elena!" What you see at the end is an unforgettable, and deeply moving end to these epic journeys, the whole series.
If you have followed the series closely you may not have loved every decision, but you may just be grateful! In fact, this alternate ending was incredibly harsh!
It had all those amazing events unfold on-screen! It made "The Vampire Diaries" incredibly popular with its amazing special effects.
You can't overlook what went into the last episode, It took a unique turn for Stefan to save the town but also his brother! That decision helped to keep those memorable, moving, and amazing scenes unfold.
To add another twist. If the ending was done, like they originally had planned, they might have been able to see their time "The Vampire Diaries" coming to an end much earlier, but a huge event took place in "The Vampire Diaries" season 6!
A special event where Elena and Bonnie got to share a very specific bond! It was meant to be short-lived but eventually was intended to have Elena return to that magical realm and the universe.
In Season 6, they gave this magic a different form and Elena got to sleep as if her soul was tied to a person. That's an incredibly amazing connection. In the very last episode the story shifted in a remarkable way!
That also gave this "The Vampire Diaries" a special touch. It was just what everyone needed to see.
What could have made "The Vampire Diaries" an incredibly dramatic end to the show?
These events show that this show was built for those epic, magical, and unforgettable, story twists! We got a chance to see the amazing Elena get her "happily ever after," and Damon could truly cherish their love, giving these fans some heartwarming closure. You see those that haven't seen "The Vampire Diaries" might just get the right dose of that heart-stopping magic. It may even give fans of other television shows a whole new take on an amazing saga full of vampire tales, which looks to show us just what is possible for shows with a strong love for the source material!