Tom Bombadil, an incredibly mysterious being with powers and an enigmatic presence, is introduced in The Rings of Power as an ally of The Stranger. Although those who watch The Rings of Power are offered a limited view, this character makes a distinct connection with The Stranger as both come together in an encounter within the Old Forest. It's also a key moment - where the two beings interact and recognize their special abilities.
Viewers are shown how Tom Bombadil reveals that his abilities go beyond that of a simple wizard - he knows that there is a strong bond with The One Ring, that there is power within the world and those dark, malicious forces such as The Dark Lord Sauron. This will make viewers consider what will take place in the future of the show, as audiences seek to discover how this unique character may become relevant, and to better understand how his storyline unfolds.
In Tolkien's books, the Old Man Willow serves as a major force within the Old Forest and acts as an antagonist, in many cases, it is known as a menacing, malevolent figure with a lot of influence. Its presence serves to deter trespassers - those seeking to enter this dark forest. It is even recognized for having trapped Merry and Pippin, in their journey, leaving fans to consider just how powerful this ancient, tree-like, figure really is.
While those who enjoy The Lord of the Rings movies, will know the story that takes place in the Old Forest, many will recognize Peter Jackson, the director for the Lord of the Rings trilogy - he omitted this encounter. Instead of choosing to adapt this into a film he selected a more condensed narrative - choosing to keep his film focused, even if this resulted in cutting out a slew of intriguing storylines. The story that involves the Old Forest and its powers has also led many to speculate why it's considered a very significant piece of Lord of the Rings lore and how this was so instrumental to shaping Tolkien’s world - ultimately offering a new and distinct perspective.
Tom Bombadil - known to be a complex figure and very powerful being - is recognized as one of the greatest characters in the Lord of the Rings. Those who love the books have always recognized how the presence of Tom Bombadil has offered those reading the book a sense of peace and an ability to withstand any sort of harm that may come his way - particularly as he appears in those early chapters where Frodo, Merry, Sam, and Pippin, encounter his presence - but this character is not introduced in Peter Jackson’s film.
Tom Bombadil’s exclusion was seen as a difficult, possibly upsetting decision, for those dedicated fans, as those who seek to see those books transferred onto film can see that there were certain details, like those scenes involving the Old Forest - that are left out - leaving audiences to wonder what Tom Bombadil’s place was in Lord of the Rings or why he was excluded.
The Rings of Power serves as an origin story that takes viewers backwards, several thousand years, prior to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. It has served as an impressive adaptation, highlighting those characters in Lord of the Rings as well as offering fans those early storylines. Many of the key events in The Lord of the Rings - those that relate to the making of The One Ring as well as the formation of The Dark Lord Sauron and his confrontation with the various elves in Middle-earth have their origins in The Rings of Power - as an example, it brings to those fans a unique view into those iconic figures that were first brought into view during Peter Jackson’s adaptation.
In fact, several iconic Lord of the Rings characters from The Fellowship of the Ring have a part to play in the Prime Video show - it includes those elves: Elrond and Galadriel - along with characters like Elendil - each playing a pivotal role. These stories will continue to expand those familiar elements as they take a new, innovative form, including the Rings of Power season 1 - which had its premiere in 2022. It will also allow those viewers to get a better sense of what came before the Lord of the Rings novels were written.
The Rings of Power, serves as a unique adaptation, showcasing The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings movies but also offering those familiar with Peter Jackson’s take on Tolkien’s books a fresh view.
The Rings of Power - the Amazon Prime Video show has continued to explore a diverse collection of events from a new perspective. While it serves as a more extended series compared to those seen in Peter Jackson's trilogy - many will find those storylines taking a new twist as they make a departure from those films - particularly by introducing an expanded universe with the series featuring those locations such as the Misty Mountains and the Old Forest.
The Rings of Power, an impressive production from Amazon - which began to debut its first season in 2022 - is meant to further expand those early narratives within Tolkien’s stories. Those events - set several thousands of years prior to those scenes from The Lord of the Rings and even The Hobbit - have an ongoing connection as audiences are reminded how those original events can be tied to Peter Jackson’s films - such as the Lord of the Rings movies and The Hobbit while exploring some of the most noteworthy storylines.
While the Amazon Prime Video series attempts to expand those events within Tolkien’s stories, the series creators have made efforts to also provide homage to previous productions. It’s a strong way of making connections and introducing audiences to a broader view. It is clear that The Rings of Power season 2 has sought to build a connection to prior works, particularly by drawing inspiration from Peter Jackson's films - those who have already watched The Rings of Power season 2 - have noted its attempt to showcase a more cinematic view and bring audiences back to a world where many iconic figures will find an audience, as they recognize that each character (specifically those found in The Rings of Power cast) serves as a vital element that ties into a larger, compelling narrative, and how it shapes an expansive, iconic franchise for The Lord of the Rings.
The Rings of Power serves as an epic story for the Lord of the Rings . Those following those key figures such as Elrond and Galadriel can appreciate the importance of how these events unfold as we see Sauron emerge from his previous era as the Dark Lord who sought to create The One Ring. While the series is making those connections and offering a wider perspective - this is the prime production for those who enjoy the Lord of the Rings lore as they seek to understand how the universe expanded prior to the Second Age.
Fans will recognize those pivotal events and storylines that make up the series' core as those moments unfold during the series - the most recent installment has shown those viewers that the Rings of Power series - particularly those characters who seek to prevent Sauron's rise - as the key narrative that will help establish just how the Dark Lord came to have a massive amount of power. It will be particularly compelling as it also helps introduce fans to an incredible amount of those moments that take place within a dangerous world filled with intrigue, political tensions and of course a fierce fight against the powers of darkness.