The HBO Max series "The Penguin," a spinoff from Matt Reeves' "The Batman," is taking the world by storm! Colin Farrell is back as Oz Cobbs, also known as The Penguin, in this gripping crime drama!
While the show explores the rise of The Penguin in Gotham's criminal underworld following the death of Carmine Falcone, one scene really sums it all up, using just four words to completely expose what makes Gotham tick.
Gotham has always been a city divided, with massive differences in how well-off people were! There is a HUGE gap between the super-rich, like the Waynes, and the majority, who struggle to make ends meet. This deep-seated issue is not unique and plays a major role in the high crime rate! A large majority lives in constant fear and extreme poverty while others revel in luxury and power.
Episode 3 of The Penguin delivers an eye-opening insight into this core conflict. In a powerful exchange between Oz and a young aspiring criminal, Victor Aguilar, Oz says "America is a hustle." It’s a simple statement that sums up the whole show! It's more than that, though!
This short phrase explains everything about Gotham's seemingly endless cycle of violence, and that sense of corruption!
The Penguin brilliantly displays this harsh reality. It is a constant struggle for resources and power and that keeps everyone locked in an impossible class war!
Oz's words to Victor might feel like some form of twisted encouragement or justification but truly depicts Gotham's endless cycle of conflict. There’s always going to be this fierce fight for power and it creates a climate that is deeply flawed and doomed to repeat. The Penguin takes it to another level!
The Penguin excels in highlighting the class warfare in Gotham City! It's something you'll see again and again!
This gritty exploration of Gotham’s underbelly and social inequality isn’t only gripping. This really delivers!
It gives you a look into just how this class conflict drives the crime, creating this deeply troubling environment!
Be sure to catch The Penguin if you want to see an epic portrayal of Gotham, as the story continues! A city full of unforgettable stories!