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The Lincoln Lawyer Season 3 Explained: De Marco, Glory Days, and Shocking Revelations

The Lincoln Lawyer Season 3: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Agent De Marco and Glory Days!

The Lincoln Lawyer Season 3: A Deep Dive into Glory Days and Agent De Marco’s Twisted Connection

The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 throws us headfirst into a tangled web of secrets, lies, and murder! A huge part of this is the twisted connection between Glory Days and the corrupt DEA agent, James De Marco. It’s a seriously wild ride.  If you haven’t seen it yet; and are planning to, you should probably avoid reading this article for now because spoilers lie ahead and it might affect your enjoyment.  But if you’re caught up, get ready for a deep dive into one of the show’s most fascinating storylines!

Mickey Haller is defending Julian La Cosse, a sex worker coordinator accused of killing Glory Days. As the storyline progresses we uncover bits and pieces of Glory Days’ past which lead up to that death. And as the evidence accumulates, this only deepens the complexity and the uncertainty surrounding Mickey's investigation.

Mickey believes he could've done more to save Glory Days; but the ultimate revelation in this storyline is much more shocking. That murder, that pivotal turning point isn’t merely a single act; that incident involves far more deeply buried, much larger and far more unexpected aspects and far more players. We later find that it actually was part of something much larger– a complex, devastating conspiracy which leads to an investigation involving uncovering far more layers than anyone involved originally thought.

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Glory Days: An Unwilling Pawn in De Marco's Game

Glory Days looks serious in The Lincoln Lawyer Image

It turns out that Glory Days was a confidential informant (CI) for the incredibly shady James De Marco—as revealed by Trina Trixxx.   And he wasn’t exactly making honest choices!  De Marco clearly targeted sex workers for this kind of manipulation and coercion, making this specific type of worker particularly vulnerable and easily exploited.  Glory Days’ long rap sheet (substance abuse and sex work), makes this very obvious. That history and past unfortunately makes her easily controlled by De Marco. The article makes it clear it is never established how fully Glory Days understood De Marco’s corruption at first but, to survive and avoid immediate jail time; she likely had few alternatives to following him.

She made a fatal error—passing information on that seriously dangerous cartel boss. This becomes De Marco’s obsession; causing this ultimately deeply-flawed plan to set that boss up, using Glory Days as a pawn and leading directly to her unfortunate, tragic and brutal death which forms this larger investigation for Mickey.

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The Set-Up: How De Marco Framed Hector Moya

Mickey driving his car and looking concerned in The Lincoln Lawyer season 4 Image

Glory Days' cocaine arrest in season 2 shows some previously hidden and questionable connections, too!  Mickey initially thought Hector Moya ordered the hit– as part of his defense he makes that important deal– keeping her from facing jail time in exchange for outing Moya! However, a far deeper secret unfolds! De Marco manipulated that whole situation—giving Glory Days the drugs; arranging that arrest; and even planting a gun at Moya’s place! That weapon was unregistered and linked to that Nevada triple homicide.  This led to Moya's arrest on an already existing warrant— which would end in Moya having a life sentence because of those gun charges.

De Marco's actions had far-reaching impacts: Eliminating his competitor– this cartel boss made so much money that removing his influence brought great rewards, creating unexpected side effects from his motivations; showing his self-centered attitude to maintain power and control!   But Moya fights back—maintaining that his case is unjust and causing that critical investigation which would expose De Marco.   That created the very situations and plot points that would ultimately end in a dramatic encounter and expose the terrible secrets hidden within those institutions and personnel!

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De Marco's Deadly Choice: Silencing Glory Days

Glory Days is dead at the end of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2 Image

De Marco's carefully planned plot starts to unravel and is made apparent that Glory Days poses a serious problem to his nefarious activities and nefarious connections. She's the key witness, and he’s well-aware she can expose him and those critical ties and reveal his immense corruption and the severity and consequences associated with his illicit dealings, those far-reaching activities linked to other cartel organizations, leaving everything completely devastated in the wake of the conspiracy’s revelation.

He takes extreme measures–murdering Glory Days and attempts to frame someone else, creating an extremely powerful plot that drives many characters, most prominently Mickey Haller who's directly impacted and begins to find out all the complexities and severity of all these details. His role becomes that critical central point involved in discovering the truth.

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De Marco's Downfall (and a Dose of Sweet Justice)

Izzy from The Lincoln Lawyer is in front of music notes Image

The climax arrives. The revelation that exposes De Marco’s crimes leads to the most significant, most impacting scene involving the character and makes for a superb climax, resulting in De Marco’s swift and utterly surprising death—this moment isn't part of a long, extended fight sequence and this makes for an even greater reveal and resolution that showcases how this entire plot could just unravel and lead to extreme outcomes: Moya tracks down De Marco; shows total ruthlessness in an incredibly creative method (a snake); and shares photographic evidence with Mickey, creating one of those awesome payoffs for the fans. He then made the ultimate statement which shows immense satisfaction from Mickey by confirming those actions entirely eliminate his threats, making for one of those amazing endings and satisfying conclusions and payoffs!

Conclusion: The Lincoln Lawyer’s Mastery of Legal Thrillers

A photo shows Agent De Marco hanging in The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 finale Image

The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 expertly delivers intense suspense; its story is built on a deeply intricate mystery! The De Marco and Glory Days storyline is one key instance that proves how intense this really was; yet its complexity and intense use of these elements also highlights that show’s brilliance: the ability to weave complex stories that are fully fleshed-out characters with rich histories and intricate interconnections which adds immensely toward creating deeply emotional satisfaction that leaves every audience feeling a great level of closure. Those unexpected twists, including De Marco's demise, show just how clever and exciting The Lincoln Lawyer’s storytelling really is; leaving fans intensely satisfied, waiting with bated breath to discover just what those storylines in Season 4 might offer and if these mysteries will return!

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