The The Boys Fresca joke has intrigued fans of the The Boys television show. It started with The Deep, one of The Boys superhero's who joined the Church of the Collective, and continues in The Boys show.
The Deep, known for being a bit vain, has had many comedic moments, from his public The Deep Instagram to his self-esteem issues! The Deep's reliance on Fresca is a funny plot element in The Boys season 2 where The Deep attempts to restore his position with The Deep Seven!
Fans of the show wonder if there is more to this running joke! In an interview, The Boys showrunner, Eric Kripke, explained the The Boys Fresca joke is more a matter of simple humor, drawing inspiration from "drinking the Kool-Aid," a phrase used for people who quickly adopt the beliefs of a conspiracy theory or cult.
Fans of The Boys tv series are known for diving into The Boys fan theories! One possibility is that it's a metaphor for The Deep cult. Fresca could be a symbol of indoctrination, and The Deep could even be a victim.
The Boys dark comedy is known for its dark humor, including many bizarre plot elements. Fresca isn't the first, and other running gags include the annoying, flying The Boys fly in season 1, as well as a ridiculous and slightly terrifying The Boys milk obsession with a certain Homelander!
The Deep ditches the cult, and in later episodes of The Boys (including The Boys season 3), Fresca is largely ignored!
There has been a lot of discussion and debate, especially among The Boys cast. The Boys Fresca gag remains open to interpretation! The humor from these bizarre, meaningless, The Boys moments contribute to a unique sense of comedy.