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Supernatural Reboot: Bringing Back John Winchester Could Change Everything

"Supernatural" fans, it's about to be your lucky day, and the beloved "Supernatural", series which captivated fans for over a decade, with 15 seasons and 327 episodes might be returning, but you have to get your expectations ready because it is a big leap back in time!

A "Supernatural" Return:

Even though "Supernatural" ended way back in 2020. Fans are keeping those hopes and dreams going. Five years have passed. Fans may have been hopeful and might have gotten some disappointment as a spin-off series never got past one season but those loyal fans are ready to dive back into this series! This makes a "Supernatural" reboot or, a return to those epic and well-known events, with a "Supernatural Season 16", a real possibility. For those fans of Sam and Dean Winchester. This means the chance to see the series as it could unfold in new, incredible, and unexpected directions!

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Bringing Back John Winchester:

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki as Dean and Sam Winchester from Supernatural Image

Supernatural is so full of magic, fantasy, and lore! There were so many unique twists and turns. It wouldn't be a complete revival if "Supernatural" doesn't make sure that one very important, iconic figure makes a return, or, well a really compelling appearance, since this is a series filled with the unexpected. That would be none other than John Winchester! The character of "John Winchester", as the Winchester family patriarch and a super powerful, skilled hunter is not one you can forget, but it will also have a significant challenge since the character was present during season one, and his departure came from the show in the first episode of season 2!

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How The Supernatural Series Might Revive Him

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For anyone that's never watched "Supernatural,", this would be the perfect starting point because the series takes us on so many adventures!

The biggest event was that one of the Winchester brothers went through an intense death and resurrection, making their "Supernatural" storyline filled with twists and turns, showing just how compelling these characters truly were!

You've also got the return of "John Winchester" with a memorable, exciting episode. It turns out though, it's one of the more heart-wrenching episodes, leaving audiences a bit shaken.

Fans, however, have some new possibilities!

  • Supernatural's Season 15, revealed a whole world that showed a truly different path for the Winchester brothers and how these universes are full of possibilities! And it didn't end there!
  • In another universe. A really fascinating concept came into play as this alternative universe had its own set of "Winchesters" who, for reasons of opportunity and circumstances became even more prosperous!
  • You'll get to see the big difference. As a part of that different reality!
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The Winchesters' New Life

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That universe had its own "John Winchester," a different side of him that is just as fascinating and that included the fact that he was in business and was the founder of a really lucrative company, "HunterCorp!" What made it all the more intriguing? Their parents never brought their boys up as a business executive!

So fans have a great reason to think about how this alternative reality could have played out, making it another fascinating new angle. This brings some added suspense as fans consider all the opportunities a "Supernatural season 16" could have with all this interesting material!

Also Read: Supernatural: What's Next for Sam, Dean, and the Supernatural Universe?

What If "Supernatural" Brought Back John Again?

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This wouldn't be "Supernatural if the Winchesters were not faced with the most difficult trials and situations! To bring John Winchester back could be one of these major challenges that bring in lots of compelling scenes and drama.

Even more so since John's previous death! To revive him would be something that was never fully thought through. However, his story ended in a way that many felt it should have!

  • There was a big, moving "300th episode." that had a nice impact!

If this show returned that wouldn't just make it special to viewers, it'd be something that may make viewers ponder!

There would be many new moments!

  • There would be a major twist with "HunterCorp" John. Since fans already have an impression about who this iconic character is!

A different style to a beloved character. Fans love a change, a new element that can revitalize an established show! And the Winchester family can't be revived until they take this unique opportunity with the show's previous elements in "Supernatural" history.

Fans, make sure to keep your hopes alive as there could be more big moments on the way! This might make this show one that viewers love more than ever!

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