Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is a new Disney+ series that tells the story of four children who find themselves lost in the Star Wars galaxy. It has been described as an Earth-like planet within the vast expanse of Star Wars. While some fans are skeptical, the similarity is an intentional creative choice to ground the children's story.
The series features four young characters, played by Ravi Cabot-Conyers, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, Kyriana Kratter, and Robert Timothy Smith. They are aided by a Force User, Jod Na Naworrd (Jude Law). The Skeleton Crew Story is set within the same timeline as "Star Wars: The Mandalorian".
Skeleton Crew will premiere on Disney+ on December 3rd, 2023. This new Star Wars series will add to the growing number of Star Wars TV Shows.
The planet where the Skeleton Crew story begins is the most Earth-like planet we have ever seen in the Star Wars universe. While this may raise some questions among the Star Wars fandom, it is a deliberate choice for the creators to establish the familiar setting for a story about children finding their way.
Skeleton Crew characters include a cast of diverse individuals, such as a blue Ortolan named Neel, who joins a group of kids as they embark on a galactic adventure. This will provide viewers with a glimpse of the characters' relationships as they face the unknown together. The series will highlight the found family theme.
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew takes inspiration from classic Amblin Entertainment features like "E.T" and "The Goonies". It seeks to connect with audiences by bringing the spirit of these stories to a galaxy far, far away. This will help establish a unique place within the Star Wars Canon. The series promises a heartfelt exploration of adventure and camaraderie, inviting fans to embark on a new journey.