In Star Trek: Voyager, the USS Voyager took an incredible journey through the Delta Quadrant and it took seven long years to return to the Alpha Quadrant! Many of the Star Trek Voyager Characters survived the experience! But how did the Doctor Star Trek Voyager, better known as the Star Trek Voyager EMH, or the Voyager EMH, make it back?
Unlike other Star Trek Voyager Characters who relied on the Voyager Transporter, the Doctor's ability as a hologram let him travel home a few times! The Doctor, a Doctor Hologram, had several Doctor Return Home instances. The Voyager Doctor had a special ability, not shared with any other Star Trek Voyager character, that allowed for the Doctor's return. His initial trip took place in the "Message in a Bottle" Star Trek Voyager Episode.
The first Doctor Return Home, which involved Voyager's journey near the Romulan Neutral Zone. It turned out the Doctor got involved in a risky rescue! During his trip, the Doctor was also able to send an update back to Starfleet, proving that the USS Voyager was alive, as it had been previously listed as lost.
It was clear that Voyager EMH and the crew cared about this amazing Doctor Voyager, the Doctor's second journey to the Alpha Quadrant in the "Life Line" Star Trek Voyager Episode was a real tearjerker! In an effort to save the person closest to him, the Doctor's creator, Dr. Lewis Zimmerman (played by Robert Picardo, the same actor who plays the Doctor).
The second Doctor Return Home occurred in season 6 of Star Trek Voyager, when he is transported back in a very unique way as a data stream to a Starfleet facility called Jupiter Station. This was more than just an exciting plot for Doctor Voyager, it had more meaning as a key Doctor Star Trek Voyager moment as his return showed the strong connection between the Doctor, the show's most popular character, and his creator.
There were other Voyager Characters Return Home but their journeys took place in alternate realities or Voyager Alternate Timelines that were quickly changed, leading the characters back to the Delta Quadrant. Some memorable instances included Harry Kim returning in the Star Trek Voyager Episode "Non Sequitur" as well as Harry and Commander Chakotay traveling in a different timeline for a few moments in Voyager Timeless!
The Doctor's returns highlight his role in Star Trek Voyager. As a Doctor Delta Quadrant, who was able to come back to the Doctor Alpha Quadrant, he gained unforgettable experiences and moments that are part of a long and storied Star Trek Voyager Timeline.