Seven of Nine and The Doctor: An Unforgettable Duo

The Star Trek Voyager series features some iconic Star Trek Voyager Characters. But it was the fascinating bond between The Doctor (Robert Picardo Star Trek Voyager) and Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan Seven of Nine), that drew many fans in.

Why is Seven of Nine so Popular?

The iconic Seven of Nine Borg was brought on as a major new character and quickly took over as a fan-favorite. This change happened around season 4, making her a pivotal part of Star Trek Voyager Episodes!

Did The Doctor & Seven of Nine Relationship Happen By Accident?

It would seem unlikely as fans, but, The Doctor's unique relationship with Seven, as her teacher and mentor, almost didn't come to be. Robert Picardo actually pitched the idea for Seven of Nine to learn how to become human again, under The Doctor. It's an unusual situation because The Doctor is only a hologram, but it ended up being the perfect pairing for these two Star Trek Voyager characters!

Is The Doctor-Seven of Nine Relationship Like a "Student-Teacher Relationship"?

This was, in many ways, how this pairing got off the ground! It became a recurring motif, even though The Doctor never thought he could teach Seven of Nine, given that he was just a hologram, it was the best way for them to work together as these Star Trek Voyager characters helped the ship escape from the Delta Quadrant!

Why Were The Doctor & Seven of Nine such a Great Match?

With Jeri Ryan giving an excellent performance, we get a serious Star Trek Voyager Seven of Nine that had strong impact, along with Robert Picardo, whose more light-hearted performance. Fans of this series and Seven of Nine really enjoyed this unusual duo, as the dynamic provided more complex and funny aspects!

How Much Did The Doctor Impact the Star Trek Voyager Series?

Robert Picardo is so memorable, he has even said in a past interview that he believes he was also the driving force behind other aspects of The Doctor's character. Fans will be glad to know that without his work, some of the Star Trek Voyager series's best aspects would be gone!

Is There A Chance of Seeing The Doctor and Seven of Nine Again?

While there haven't been any confirmations for a revival, it would be amazing! But, it's always good to see the new and classic characters reappear in the world of Star Trek! Be sure to keep up on social media and check websites to see any news about the return of Star Trek Voyager Characters.