Movies News Talk

Star Trek Voyager: Seven of Nine's Unexpected Best Friend - Naomi Wildman!

Star Trek: Voyager's Unexpected friendship: How a Single Scene Launched a Beloved Storyline!

Seven of Nine's Best Friendship: A Total Accident!

Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) is iconic. She joined Star Trek: Voyager midway through its run; becoming this immensely popular character, and an unforgettable part of Star Trek history. Her journey–from Borg drone to reclaiming her humanity—was awesome; a complicated and emotional rollercoaster that totally captivated audiences. But her best friendship on Voyager?  A total accident!

Seven had tons of cool relationships with other characters, those iconic mentors (Captain Janeway and the Doctor), that complex rivalry with B'Elanna Torres—all great!   But her most genuine, heartwarming friendship was completely unexpected and developed entirely out of some improvisation that the production team found compelling enough to completely adapt!

Also Read: Jeri Ryan Almost Turned Down Seven of Nine Role Due to 'Predictable' Star Trek: Voyager Scene

An Unlikely Pair: Seven and Naomi Wildman's Accidental Friendship

Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) and Naomi Wildman (Scarlett Pomers) in the Delta Flyer from Star Trek: Voyager. Image

That totally unlikely duo Seven and Naomi Wildman (Scarlett Pomers)—the daughter of Ensign Samantha Wildman—developed a heartwarming bond starting in season 5. Their age difference, and overall experiences would make you assume these two characters were completely incompatible; however, their connection transcends that age-old stereotype!  It’s unlikely that this duo's amazing and important story ever gets off the ground; without that seemingly minor scene in that season 5 episode “Once Upon a Time” that would eventually affect these two people in the longer timeline, demonstrating just how unexpected those minor creative choices truly matter in the development of those far bigger events.

Their mess hall scene? Small; not really important to the episode's storyline. But Executive Producer Brannon Braga told Cinefantastique that scene’s charm started the development of that longer and ultimately more important storyline arc, highlighting the unexpected consequences and overall significance of minor creative decisions that the production teams made. And that brief moment— barely any dialogue—showed perfect chemistry!   Naomi’s childlike fear of getting assimilated by Seven was hilarious, showing just how capable those creatives truly are! The seeds planted through those events generated massive creative outputs and added meaningful depth to otherwise predictable story elements!  The entire sequence becomes endearing because it demonstrated how effectively unexpected changes impact even established story details!

Also Read: Star Trek: Voyager's Hidden Connection to The Original Series

Why Seven and Naomi's Friendship Was So Special

Star Trek Picard Season 3 Voyager Naomi Wildman Image

Seven had complex connections with adult characters but the Naomi friendship stands out! Because Seven’s experiences as a Borg had a unique perspective that connected better with a younger person than most others on Voyager. They became something like sisters; that almost impossible pairing! The way Naomi's more outgoing and innocent personality really brings out the more soft spots of Seven’s emotionally distant and hard exterior—and their scenes shine, that heartwarming dynamic and added unexpected fun elements that elevated this series even more!

And it was incredibly important. Seven’s friendship helped her become capable of later assisting and eventually becoming comfortable caring for other Borg children, rescued in season 6—one of Seven's biggest storylines later in the series! The significance goes far beyond comic relief; this provided a humanizing experience; highlighting the more empathetic elements surrounding her journey!

Also Read: Star Trek: Voyager - Repeating Storylines and Uninspired Episodes

Conclusion: Sometimes, the Best Stories Happen by Chance!

Star Trek Voyager Poster Image

Seven of Nine’s friendship with Naomi Wildman is proof. That brief, unexpected scene proves those little details could impact major things— and shows how unexpectedly clever writers, actors, and producers made such incredibly heartfelt storylines!

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