Movies News Talk

Star Trek Voyager 'Extreme Risk': Controversial Episode & Realistic Romance

Star Trek: Voyager is a well-loved show, but even the most beloved shows have moments that might make people wonder.

A Controversial Episode

One episode, "Extreme Risk," from season 5 of Star Trek: Voyager, really divided fans and actors! The episode involves B'Elanna Torres, played by Roxann Dawson, who is dealing with depression. She is putting herself through increasingly risky and dangerous simulations to try to deal with strong emotions, which ties to the difficult times she felt dealing with the Maquis after they were defeated in the Alpha Quadrant. This storyline did not show Tom Paris (played by Robert Duncan McNeill), who was B'Elanna's significant other, as being involved with how she managed these challenges! That left viewers with lots of feelings.

Also Read: Star Trek: Voyager's Doctor Joins Starfleet Academy: What Does This Mean for the Future?

Actors React

A collage of an image of B'Elanna Torres from Star Trek: Voyager smiling alongside an image of B'Elanna and Tom Paris kissing in the hallway of the USS Voyager. Image

McNeill shared his disappointment and said that it should have shown the romance in a better light! His character should have been a stronger presence for B'Elanna, helping to move things forward.

However, Dawson had a totally different perspective! She felt that Tom's limited role made a lot of sense, explaining that people often isolate from their loved ones while going through intense experiences with depression, using this to emphasize how realistic and well-portrayed their difficult moments truly were. It may be a different way of thinking about these big relationship and intense moments in life.

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Realistic Portrayal

Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris and Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres from Star Trek: Voyager both make surprised faces on a blue background. Image

It turns out Dawson might just have the stronger argument and is more correct!

What really matters? Her take wasn't just true for the specific episode. But how Voyager handles this specific couple!

  • B'Elanna often would avoid talking to Tom during stressful events!
  • She prefers to manage her stress alone!
  • She and Tom, together grow a stronger bond, and really make that emotional, romantic, bond become unbreakable through these difficulties.
Also Read: Star Trek: Voyager's Hidden Connection to The Original Series

A Unique Romance in Star Trek

Star Trek Voyager Poster Image

It turns out Tom and B'Elanna became a major part of Star Trek: Voyager history.

This was a fantastic, and rather unexpected series moment for these two major characters, bringing excitement for the romantic subplot!

  • Star Trek: Voyager was light on romance.
  • The romantic couple arc is an intense look at these two and is totally realistic. Fans of Voyager saw how their romance came to life!
  • This really is the power of the whole storyline! A long, moving and beautiful journey that showed growth, hardships, and their final satisfaction.

Tom and B'Elanna's story truly brought a different dimension, even offering something different to Star Trek fans. Although they might not be everyone's favorites, it's the impactful and important romance! Even if the "Extreme Risk" episode did offer fans an interesting exploration on a truly realistic view of the characters. It does point to something far more remarkable and highlights that viewers should get to the core story.

There's something to this exploration of mental health for B'Elanna which showed how unique this arc is. While fans might never get an understanding about why "Extreme Risk" took that creative step. What is clear is how real this arc became!

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