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Star Trek: The Next Generation and Voyager - A Tea Connection

The worlds of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager are always full of adventure and even the most unlikely duos can have something in common.

id="picard-and-neelix-a-surprising-connection">Picard And Neelix: A Surprising Connection:

Who knew that two such different people from two entirely different shows, Jean-Luc Picard and Neelix could be connected by something so simple as their preference for tea?! Picard, one of the series' most influential captains, brought a strong sense of authority to his ship. In his role he had the ultimate goal of exploring, which meant he had many exciting, heart-pounding experiences with a crew known for taking on any mission.

In a strange turn of events, the cast of Voyager was stuck in the far corners of the galaxy, which brought these crewmates closer than ever!

Fans may know that Neelix is Quite the memorable figure! His personality makes this one of the most entertaining shows to watch. What's great is that it's been shown through several of these shows how these worlds intersect, and it gives audiences something new!

If you've only been familiar with one or the other of these series, be prepared, they might just overlap with some surprising, interesting twists!

While these two might be from very different shows. Picard is well known to have this preference for a certain kind of tea!

  • Fans will remember Picard's signature phrase "tea, Earl Grey, hot." That came out as he would relax!
Also Read: Star Trek: Voyager Season 4: A Deep Dive

A Tea Connection In Voyager

Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) drinks a cup of Earl Grey Tea in the Star Trek: TNG episode

That wasn't just an iconic part of his personality but was even repeated many times. There's this Easter egg hidden away!

If you are thinking that this might just be a subtle hint at a preference! There is so much more to the story, that helps link this together, making it very interesting.

In one specific episode from Voyager, titled "Night," this particular part of the show shows Neelix ordering some of his favorite tea! There's a section of the episode, where the crew members go through "the void"! The big scare, in the moment is that everyone had the misfortune to be in this area of space with no stars to guide their way. That made some crew members feel uneasy and one in particular, Neelix. The anxiety hit Neelix pretty hard as he went through several panic attacks! What might be strange is his favorite drink as a method to calm down! You won't believe it but that preference for Earl Grey Tea.

  • It's called "bergamot tea." in the show. But there's a twist. Fans may know the main ingredients that make up Earl Grey tea are black tea leaves! and they use either bergamot oil or extract. This creates that citrus-like flavor for those that love Earl Grey, making it truly unique and one that Neelix loved.

In this show! "Night" you really see these characters with their own personalities!

Also Read: Star Trek: The Next Generation - Great for Picard, Geordi's most embarrassing episode is.

Star Trek's Biggest Connections:

Deanna Troi from Star Trek TNG, Captain Sisko from DS9, and Captain Janeway from Voyager Image

The Star Trek series has been a part of many childhoods! The stories are not only captivating but also are filled with such fantastic adventures! What makes these so fascinating? They are all linked together in interesting and inspiring ways! That includes the idea that there could be small connections that tie characters, worlds and stories together! And it seems as though Voyager might have just had the biggest amount of these!

  • In the era of the 90s

This period of television was known to do a bit of "crossing the lines!" From small details, to really remarkable nods to earlier shows. That also goes for those who may think that one Star Trek show wasn't linked to another, that's simply not true!

  • There's a particular connection that gives audiences an idea as to what is similar!

The iconic Star Trek: Deep Space Nine had its own vision and look with each episode.

It really seemed like Voyager tried to return to those stories that people remembered, that made TNG so unforgettable.

For some, this meant there would be a look, feel and an attempt to create that amazing world!

  • That wasn't just visual.

There was even more content, giving a deeper exploration of the most loved characters! The Borg, for example. Voyager really dove deeper into this world, that fans came to know through TNG, adding so much more, creating "The Borg Collective," that was one of the most notable events to bring the series to another level.

A powerful series in itself!

Q and the Q Continuum! There are so many layers to these. And these characters showed a powerful connection to the stories from "The Next Generation."

For some fans, it's this incredible collection of shows, with great plots and compelling moments, that shows just how fantastic "Star Trek is, no matter how far they explore the unknown universe. In this instance! You see that there is something more, that connects all these stories making them memorable, and leaving viewers waiting for even more of this magical universe.

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