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Star Trek: Picard's New Confederation of Earth - What You Need to Know

Get ready, Trekkies! A new show is bringing an alternate universe back! The story is full of compelling characters and shows off one of the most enduring stories in Star Trek: The Mirror Universe!

The Confederation of Earth:

Fans have loved seeing what the franchise would come up with and we see the creators taking us to one special corner: "Star Trek: Picard!"

The most recent episode brought some unexpected changes as this powerful figure found himself in an altered reality! He ended up leading a very powerful group known as the Confederation of Earth.

For some it’s nothing short of being a super powerful, alternate dimension and yet Star Trek: The Next Generation, even when it had lots of amazing episodes and movies it never visited this iconic, dark, and super cool storyline from "Star Trek: The Original Series"

It's all about these superpowered beings and these extraordinary, mind blowing journeys that make these characters who they are, fans are used to seeing a show where we can go anywhere. Even see amazing things and go to amazing places, even if it's an alternate universe. But you have to watch out as this version of the show is truly a force to be reckoned with and full of evil! Q, that really famous figure of Star Trek created a very unique timeline where these villains would thrive!

Q’s Manipulations:

star trek admiral picard captain worf soji asha Image

Star Trek: Picard takes an awesome turn, by bringing us into a future where humanity and the future, all went in a darker direction.

  • Q, makes it possible for these great, scary villains, to emerge.
  • Q creates this very dark alternate universe and the changes make it impossible to imagine what it would be like.

A couple of really powerful characters helped to give birth to the Confederation of Earth.

  • The story features a fascinating connection between Renee Picard and Adam Soong!

In this version of Star Trek: Picard, a group of well known characters will come face-to-face with some unexpected challenges and situations, such as Jean-Luc Picard, in his most extreme form, known as General Picard. We also have the super well-known "Seven of Nine.

The Difference Between The Mirror Universe And The Confederation

Jonathan Archer, Emperor Georgou & Spock in Star Trek's Mirror Universe Image

For anyone who might think that it's just another version of "The Mirror Universe," what is really interesting about The Confederation of Earth is the fact that this story plays off of this big, famous version that's well known by millions. It has this ability to make you really think and see why this show was a real stand out in its production.

We see it take shape in a remarkable way! The alternate dimension that exists in The Mirror Universe and is a parallel universe, a separate existence and as if the two are not intertwined in any way. We know this from prior stories as the Mirror Universe and our regular world, as if those two could clash in exciting ways, bringing in the well-loved heroes "James T. Kirk or "Captain Benjamin Sisko!" This also includes the incredible, compelling story that unfolded in "Star Trek: Discovery" as well. The stories and plots always got interesting!

In "Star Trek: Picard" there's another dimension. What is mind-blowing is the creation of the Confederation, it really does appear as the alternate reality for our familiar, main storyline for the Star Trek Universe.

What's more mind blowing about it? There is a possibility that the universe has re-established itself and brought the timeline back! With "Star Trek: Picard" this is made incredibly possible as the original universe got back into its groove! You might have forgotten the biggest difference. As these forces take shape, they end up disappearing!

Why The Next Generation Didn’t Do a Mirror Universe Episode:

Star Trek TNG Yesterday's Enterprise Picard Image

The universe is constantly being reinvented by "Star Trek." You see this with "The Next Generation", its episodic structure gave audiences plenty to get excited about and kept them on the edge of their seats. If we think about the core story for "Star Trek" it all revolves around those who are noble heroes and explore and venture throughout the world in exciting, mind-blowing ways!

The Next Generation brought its own sense of adventure! They never tried to repeat stories from the Original Series, but rather sought to introduce their own characters who could contribute to that exciting future of space. Even some characters that appeared in the Original Series came together to make The Next Generation, the very first show with a set of characters who are loved and respected for their amazing efforts! This version of Star Trek really stood out because the production had the goal of finding its own identity!

This story is a pretty stark contrast from the more dramatic The Mirror Universe!

And to the casual fan, these two seem as if they are truly similar in nature, with its powerful figures and a dark, compelling, and memorable twist. If you think back on those characters in The Original Series you can't forget about Mirror Spock, with his super famous goatee! If there's one key moment that stands out. There’s the fact that it was made very clear how important this dark side is to Star Trek: Discovery.

Will Star Trek Go Back to The Confederation?

Star Trek Picard Poster Image

What might come back in this well loved universe?

If we recall, The Confederation of Earth made its mark during the first few episodes of "Star Trek: Picard season 2.

This is something that fans might get a chance to see again, but it might be a long shot as we think about the story. With this "Star Trek" universe, its very core makes it very, very possible.

One show in particular, a new production called Star Trek: Legacy! It's in the planning stages. This series might revisit The Confederation of Earth or bring us into an entirely new adventure and story. It could really change the dynamic and how audiences experience a new version of "Star Trek" that fans have wanted to see. If we are to keep the original world unchanged.

As the story with The Confederation of Earth ends and audiences remember The Mirror Universe it's super interesting to know just what will make "Star Trek: Legacy." so compelling. We should always keep a eye on what comes next with Star Trek. It looks like there will be many more fascinating stories to come! There are so many amazing characters from this wonderful universe. For anyone who wants a classic science fiction fix with all the power, intensity and exploration. There's really something to enjoy.

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